
Re: an update regarding the encampment

A message from the UofT administration Dear UofT community, Over the past month, we’ve been concerned about the discourse that the encampment at King’s College Circle on our St. George Campus has sparked in our community. Personally, I would love for us to get together, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya, but it seems like some

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Victoria’s Scarlet and Gold (arches)

The abridged history of the Northrop Frye McDonald’s Alumni who attended the school before 2019 will remember well the convenience and deliciousness associated with the Northrop Frye McDonald’s. Sequestered in the basement of the concrete building, the beloved fast food joint was a cornerstone of the Vic community, doing a roaring trade with students and

Victoria’s Scarlet and Gold (arches) Read More »

Strand logo with alternate colour scheme

​​Which UofT Library are you?

All-knowing quiz with brutal(ist) answers! How would your friends describe  you?  A: Friendly and warm.  B: Quick-witted and overambitious. C: Organised and efficient.  D: Quirky and outgoing.  E: I don’t have any friends.  What’s your program (or the  program closest to yours)?  A: Book and Media Studies.  B: Philosophy.  C: Computer Science.  D: Drama.  E:

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