Oops! We forgot to tell this cartoonist that Ainsley and Sabrina aren’t friends anymore


Scandal at Vic: Anonymous Dean’s Office employee reviews first-years on Yelp

An anonymous source tells all 

Breaking News: The Strand editors-in-chief Ainsley and Sabrina are no longer friends

They hate each other now

Peter Parkour: Would you bang?

Vote in our poll!

Organ of the week: the placenta

A biweekly series

It’s COCKtober 🍆🎃

u know what that means 👀👅

A review of the celebs I’ve actually met*

*(in my dreams)

Profs—they’re just like you!

Nutty Professor? More like relatable person

Air Pee ’n’ Pee

It’s like Air B’n’B for peeing!

Alright, listen up, I’ve got some shit to say about The Wiggles

Hot Potato? More like hot, burning rage!