The five worst costumes I saw at Brittany’s Halloween party

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Brittany’s Halloween party was a couple weekends ago. I’m a fan of The Office so I dressed up as the three-hole-punch version of myself—funny, funny stuff. Nobody else on The Strand was invited, so, courtesy of me, here’s The Strand’s official roundup of the worst costumes I saw at Brittany’s Halloween party.

5.Tom Hanks

Some guy who I kinda know from residence in first year dressed up in a suit and carried a volleyball around with him. It wasn’t even a Wilson ball though, it was a Spaldingwhich was just confusing. I thought he was doing a Jerry Seinfeld impression, but it was actually Woody from Toy Story?? 4/10. 


Some girl was fully covered in red from head to toe—red socks, red pants, red sweater, and she even had a little pointy red hat. Don’t get me wrong, I like the spooky aesthetic of Halloween, but this was just too graphic. Her sweater said “Crayola” on it, I think. Never heard of that brand. 3/10 (too gross).   

3.Donna Prima from Jungledyret 3

Danish children’s cartoons don’t usually make it abroad, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw a girl dressed as Donna Prima from the well-known movie Jungledyret 3 – Fræk Flabet og fri. Unfortunately, she didn’t even get the costume right—Donna Prima’s collared shirt has long sleeves, not short. This girl got some flak for “not dressing up” but I know a shitty Fræk Flabet og fri costume when I see one. 2.5/10. 

2.All-Male Ghostbusters

Oh boy! Some first-year guys were invited and I guess they saw the Ghostbusters remake and decided to gender-swap it for a goof (#guypower). Man, being born in the year 2000 is fuckin’ wild. 1/10. 

1.The Incredible Hulk

Undoubtedly, THE WORST costume of the night was Steve McSmith’s Hulk costume. He had a brown vest and these gross ear-horn things. What happened to the greenish hair and purple pants? Has STEVE even watched a Marvel movie? His Scottish accent REALLY blew it for me—that’s not what Eric Bana, Edward Norton, OR Mark Ruffalo sound like. 0.1/10.  
