Top five rom-coms to watch with your significant other

You and your partner will be blown away after watching these movies, #noclickbait

Illustration | Chelsey Wang

February, the one month where we can binge-watch rom-coms without people judging us. I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur when it comes to cheesy romantic comedies, and this is why I present to you, top five rom-coms you must watch once in your lifetime, in no particular order.  

1 – Lemonade Mouth

Okay this one is classic, everyone has seen it, I watched it for the first time ever last week and since then I’ve added it to my “must watch on Valentine’s day” list. In Lemonade Mouth you’ve got this bunch of misfits who accidentally become a band. Like, seriously accidental. All they have is a can of lemonade and dreams bigger than them. But hey, they’re about to rock the school’s talent show like it’s nobody’s business, and nothing gets romantic than that. Also the soundtrack? I get goosebumps every time I listen to it. Now you might be confused, wondering how Lemonade Mouth is a rom-com? Well I forgot to mention one tiny thing, this is a list of movies that aren’t conventionally rom-coms but could totally pass as one. 

2 – Cats

Okay hear me out on this one, I know we all love to hate this movie, but let’s see it through a newer lens. Imagine this, a bunch of cats throwing the ultimate party to win a ticket to a better life. In the midst of all this fun, two cats start batting more than just eyelashes at each other. They have a secret rendezvous behind litter boxes. With more drama than a catnip-induced frenzy and more romance than a saucer of cream, Cats is the purr-fectly funny rom-com that’ll leave you feline fabulous. This is actually a test for your significant other, if they don’t have the painful look on their face throughout the entire movie, leave them! 

3 – Insidious 

Picture this, it’s midnight and you’re watching Insidious with your crush. It does not get more Valentine-y than this. What better way to judge the other person than seeing how they react to a jumpscare? If they laugh at it, then yes they are the one, never let them go! If they flinch, show them the door instantly. Legend has it, if you can watch a scary movie with someone, you can move onto the next step, eating out with them! Nothing spells out LOVE in bold, capital letters except for Insidious (bonus points if you binge watch all parts together).

4 – Shrek 2

Shrek and Donkey, a love story written in swamp, oh and Fiona is there too. This movie has everything – humour, action, wit, and romance of course. The soundtrack is AMAZING, it awakens your soul, it crushes your soul, and it rejuvenates your soul. Also, we all agree that Shrek 2 is the best one right? It was true perfection, and it outsold the original. IF your significant other likes Shrek more than the sequel, break up with them, respectfully.  

5 – High School Musical 

I don’t think I need to explain this one, every Troyella scene is the definition of rom-com, but that’s not the reason it’s in the list. This one is a test, If your significant other can quote this movie word to word, never leave them, ever!