Fuck you if you aren’t a troop

The troops are goddamn heroes and who the fuck are you?

Who is Ned*?

The “““media””” would have us believe that the titular Ned of Ned’s Cafe (1.3 stars, blogTO), is a nickname for E. J. Pratt, who was the “““““leading poet of his time.””””” That belief is the coward’s way out. Believing that is denial. Believing that is a danger.  If you stay very still, late at night, close ...

No Spoilers! PLEASE!


Two friends wronged!

The injustice of it all

Fun Quiz: Match my friends to the secrets they told me in confidence!

Facebook just released a new Toast Reaction and everybody’s freaking out about it

Sit tight and grab the popcorn

Finding love at The Maddy

Why don’t women have orgasms?

It just doesn’t seem fair!

Stranded Valentines

Print them out and give them to your Valentine!

Let’s talk about sex, baby

Intercourse, love-making, carnal relations. You probably know nothing about it. But do not fret, our experts don’t either.