So, what do you know about love?

Wanna know what love is? Then you’ve come to the right place!

A few months back, my sister forced me to watch 10 Things I Hate About You for the first time, and one thing that stuck with me was when Bianca said, “I like my Sketchers, but I love my Prada backpack.” This got me thinking: what exactly is love? If I had a Prada backpack, would I love it? (I mean, I love my free tote bag, which is pretty much the same thing, no?)  

As Olaf from Frozen once said, “Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours.” However,  I feel like there’s much more to love than this. There are five conventional love languages: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and giving gifts. I’m sure we’ve all taken tests to find out what our love language is, only to be disappointed by the answers. No thanks, random quiz generator—I do not like receiving  words of affirmation from people. 

I think we need more love languages because, honestly, the existing ones do not fulfill my definition of love (which is the objectively correct definition, obviously). So, here’s a list of love languages that make me feel most adored. 

Buying books for me

If someone buys a book for me, I’ll love them forever. Now, this might be considered gift-giving, but buying books is in its own distinct category. There are a few rules to be aware of here: the book has to be from one of the genres I like (absolutely NO autobiographies or self-help books), and it should not be a BookTok book (I’m literally scarred by half of them!!!). 

Sending TikToks

Imagine it’s 3 am and you get a message from someone. You open it, and it’s one of those TikToks with the driest sense of humor that forces you into fits of laughter. I love when people send me videos that remind them of me. It makes me feel special. They’ll send me the randomest stuff, and I’ll cherish it forever. That, my friends, is true love <3


I was genuinely shocked when I discovered that humour isn’t one of the five love languages. Like, huh?? You know what they say: if it can be a coping mechanism, it can be a love language. If Zendaya laughing at Tom Holland’s terrible jokes isn’t a sign of true love, then I don’t know what is. All I’m saying is that if I laugh at your lame dad jokes, I love you. 

Remembering small details 

If you remember my very basic coffee order (it’s an iced oat latte, for those wondering), how I drink my tea, my favourite toppings on pizza, or my favourite song, then you definitely fit into my definition of love.  

Reading the plot of a film on Wikipedia before watching it 

Now, this one is very specific and very weird, but it’s near and dear to my heart. I love reading movie plots before watching them—no one understands me. If I find someone who does the same thing, then it is a sign of the truest of true loves!!