Volume 66 Issue 7

Wise words from the concussed: a reflection on tantalising technology

I had the misfortune of acquiring a concussion the very first weekend back from school. The average person knows what this means: no screen time, no cognitively heavy activities, and a strong emphasis on shutting your brain off for a few days to weeks of time. In summary, a UofT student’s worst nightmare. While I

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Aluminum Rib

Aluminum Rib words by Malaika Mitraillustration by Patrick Ignasiak   I, a servantof titanium skyhave ground soil to rootin rabid search;beneath the iron horizon, amongstclay-filled waves —I build her bodyout of the dustleft from the crushing of a geological age.Her gold veinstiptoe under skinas xylem inobedient trunk — fat toes clutchingloam beforeshe too meltsinto myfluid-filled dreams; Ocean, river,

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Telecommunication words by Patrick Ignasiakillustration by Cameron Ashley Spasms, into you, the not-allzero fitted to onenothing you can see, you-branchof spidered out hypertextmothering yourself: silicon chips, set out to eatyour way outsidemicrovoid, its syntaxdithering off, passes through,scatters; you redressmy mistress’ eyes inliquidcrystal thinness.                    Remains slouch,half-chewed hemoglobin,fiber-optic, you swallow 

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