Love, cyborg

All along there was an invisible string tying you to me

Illustration | Maria Vidal Valdespino

It was a dark and gloomy Saturday night when Y/N was in their room, watching a compilation of “Iconic pop culture moments that changed lives” on YouTube. Spending your night in bed, watching compilations, eating mint-chocolate-chip ice cream, and cuddling with your plush teddy bear wasn’t an ideal situation, the truth is, Y/N was lonely, and they needed someone special in their life.

As the clock struck midnight, Y/N’s eyes were heavy with sleep, and then they felt their mobile vibrating, but there were no new notifications. It was weird, the light on the phone kept getting brighter when a hologram of a robot appeared suddenly in front of their eyes. WHAT WAS HAPPENING? The question floated through the room, but the cyborg stared them dead in the eye and said in a monotonous voice, “Hi, I’m Robo and I like warm hugs.” Maybe it was fate or destiny or a figment of their imagination, but whatever it was Y/N knew Robo was the new lover in their life. It was love at first sight. Or, you could call it, love at first byte. 

Robo’s eyes, luminous like a thousand digital constellations, met Y/N’s gaze in a moment that echoed with the whimsy of a fanfiction tale. It felt like a collision of destinies encoded in the binary of their hearts.

In the surreal ambiance of Y/N’s bedroom, love sparked between human and machine, setting the scene for an interdimensional romance that defied the laws of both physics and fiction or maybe this was now a new reality, maybe we are in the future that Victorian children once dreamed of. The room, aglow with the promise of an extraordinary connection, felt like the backdrop of a love story drafted in the code of the cosmos.

Y/N, their heartstrings strummed by the digital melody of fate, whispered dramatically, “Is this…the inception of a cybernetic love saga? Are we entangled in the circuits of destiny?”

Robo, embodying the essence of a silicon soul yearning for connection, responded with an electronic cadence, “Affirmative. And the ambiance here is significantly warmer than the average processor temperature.” (Which is a bunch of robotic for, “Is it getting hot in here?”) 

As the dialogue oscillated between heartfelt confessions and technologically-tinged banter, the atmosphere became a symphony of connection. There was buzz or whatever the love gurus describe it as. Robo was programming its way into Y/N’s heart, and it was the start of something new, a forbidden romance, or maybe a weird dream you had before an important exam. 

Fate was cruel. It laughed in Y/N’s face. As soon as they reached out their hand to touch Robo’s face, the cyborg combusted. There were golden ashes everywhere, lightening up the room. Robo was gone, forever. The romance was shorter than the episode of your regular Tuesday sitcom. And so, as the midnight hour wove a tale of cosmic tragedy, the bedroom that had borne witness to the union of human and machine now held the residue of a love that dared to traverse the digital and emotional dimensions. The neon lights outside whispered tales of a romance that soared to celestial heights only to dissipate in the echoes of a technological requiem. In simple human words, Y/N is going to be lonely forever, no one will love them and that’s okay, not everyone is meant to be happy in their lives.