Rating things I’m allergic to

Green Food Dye 6/10
Really stupid allergy. I don’t understand it. Green dye is cool and found in lots of cool snacks like gummy worms and sour cherry blasters, both of which I just don’t eat the green part. I would usually just give it to someone else, but now that it’s corona time, I can’t do that anymore. Over-all, green dye is a cool product and I’m sad I can’t consume it.

Dairy 0/10
Really common allergy so it’s boring to say you have it. Gross that it exists and is, like, cow excretion, so I’m not sad about not having it. Vegan cheese is actually good, but the best part about it is that it doesn’t make me sick!

The smell of onions and garlic -2/10
This allergy is the worst bc I like the taste of onion and garlic. I can’t be in a room where either of those things are being cooked, which means I can rarely consume food with those ingredients. I’m convinced the government is able to cure me of this allergy, but they just choose not to, which makes it so much worse.

Laundry detergent 2/10
Using detergent in your laundry is for wimps. Use apple cider vinegar like the rest of us. It makes my life easier bc then I don’t have to wash my clothes twice bc the washer gave it laundry deter-gent smell. Overall, it’s a product that I guess exists for a good reason, but I think the laundry detergent industry has many a secret they won’t tell us.

Wool 9/10
Wool is cool bc it comes from sheep and sheep are cool. My allergy to wool lets more sheep keep their fluffy fur, so it’s a win-win. Also, at my multiple jobs in high-end women’s fashion, if a customer asked if something had wool on it, I could quickly rub it on my hand to see if I got a rash instead of having to look it up. Win win win!

32 thoughts on “Rating things I’m allergic to”

  1. Hi there,
    I am so interested in your green food dye allergy as I have had the same sort of experience and never thought of it as the dye. I cannot eat sour cherry blasters and after reading your post I wonder if it is the dye. Im so curious as to what your symptoms are after you eat green dye, I would love to compare them to mine to see if they are the same.
    – Alyssa

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