Incoming: Hot Girl Fall!

As the temperature drops and we’re forced to exchange bikinis for sweaters, Hot Girl Summer officially ends and midterm season looms over our heads. BUT who said we had to stop channeling our inner “Hot Girl”? 

Introducing: Hot Girl Fall—where pumpkin spice lattes are always on hand and the “Hot Girl” vibes never end. Being a Hot Girl is not actually limited to a season; in fact, it’s a mindset. Anyone and everyone can be a “Hot Girl” by simply following the tips below.

  1. Celebrate yourself and the people around you

Being a Hot Girl means always lifting up yourself and the people around you. It’s acknowledging all of the everyday achievements, like getting out of bed in the morning to finish an assignment earlier than planned. This also means honouring the people around you and their accomplishments, too! 

  1. Channel your highest self

A Hot Girl never stops growing, and growth only comes when you’re uncomfortable. Every day, when you wake up, make sure you’re striving to be the best version of yourself and better than who you were yesterday—always channel your ultimate Hot Girl. 

  1. Focus on the things that are important to you

Priorities. Priorities. Priorities. If waking up early is important to you, start setting your alarm and doing it! If checking up on friends is your focus, then go shoot them a text! Whatever it is that you prioritize, make sure you keep at it in order to really embody Hot Girl Fall. 

  1. Practice self-care 

Self-care—not to be confused with treating yourself (they’re different, I promise)—is the act of doing the things that you don’t necessarily want to do. This can be cleaning your room, taking a shower, finishing some homework, or even reading a book. To be a Hot Girl this fall, you need to ensure that you’re taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. 

  1. Be unapologetically yourself! 

Coming from the OG Hot Girl herself, Megan Thee Stallion: “Being a Hot Girl is about being unapologetically YOU, having fun, being confident, living YOUR truth, being the life of the party etc.” You are in control of your reality, so don’t let people tell you how you should be. After all, being a Hot Girl is all about the attitude and confidence! 

So what are you waiting for? Take these tips and go rock Hot Girl Fall!