Every UofT website, ranked

The ultimate guide

There are so many websites to keep track of at UofT, and you have to use most of them constantly during your first few months at this school. Hence, I decided to provide the most objective, correct, and truthful guide to the University’s web presence. Enjoy!

  1. ACORN

The centre of everything. All roads lead to ACORN and ACORN leads to everywhere else. While I appreciate having all of my information in one place, this is also the place where you learn whether you’ve failed that degree requirement or not.

  1. UTMail+ (Outlook) 

The ultimate harbinger of news, whether good, bad, or just another automated Quercus email. The Outlook notification chime will haunt your dreams and inspire fear in your waking hours. Pavlov, much?

  1. Quercus 

Welcome to your new home. Until you graduate, you will eat, breathe, and (not) sleep Quercus. It will become your only joy, your only sorrow, and (eventually) maybe your only peace. That is, if your one professor sees fit to post on time.

  1. Degree Explorer 

The final destination for course planning. Here, you can stack up courses for the next half-decade of your life, assembling your degree like a monochromatic game of Tetris. Fair warning: every time you make a change, the little people inside the website take ten whole seconds to re-evaluate your worth. Crashes are frequent, sure, but it’s so useful that most don’t care.

  1. Student Life

Whoever makes those PowerPoint templates definitely had a hand in the Student Life website. Prepare for massive pictures, numbers, and dropdowns that seldom answer the questions you came in with. If you’re just browsing, though, you might find a cool club or organisation you never knew you wanted to join.

  1. CLNx 

The early 2000s called and they want their web design back. Whether you’re crying because of the opaque site navigation or your rejected Work Study application, let the tears flow! Besides all that, CLNx is a great resource for any leadership training or career advice you’re looking for. If it loads.

  1. StarRez 

Hey, you gotta live somewhere, and here’s where you find out which little box is yours.

  1. UofT Bookstore

Textbooks are expensive and yours are no exception. After you learn how much next year’s doorstop will cost, check course servers or online forums for upperclassmen willing to sell their books for cheap (or free!). They can also tell you about the bad, evil websites where people get books for free instead of paying publishers thousands of dollars per year. So immoral!

  1. Main Website 

Very blue. Finding something on here is like trying to find a matching sock under a pile of clothes the size of your house. Honest advice: just Google it.

  1. Timetable 

Degree Explorer’s dorkier younger sibling. If you solve logic puzzles for fun, you’ll enjoy this one, though I have never heard a single student say they have used this tool.

  1. UCheck

I appreciate the effort, I do, but was this really doing anything? Anyone who has ever lied about their sexuality on a BuzzFeed quiz can defeat UCheck. That said, I am a little sad to see it go.

  1. GPA Calculator 

You know you shouldn’t go here, but you do anyway. You already know what it’ll say.

  1. Application Portal

Inauspicious. Do not enter.