The Bob Revue review

Experience, Emotion, Theatre. The stage encompasses of all these things and more by doing something incredible: capturing life. Life is not a single story, it’s a quilt of individual moments. The Bob Revue 2017 was one of the rare displays that is able to capture life in its purest form: through friendship, comedy, and, most importantly, humility. Amongst their abundant humbleness, , as these actors passed dog food from one human mouth to another, the emotion they most prominently evoked was love. Though I don’t know this cast of characters individually, by the end of it all, it felt as though I may have seen a couple of them enter the building before the show.

In an undoubtedly humorous performance, I cried, I laughed, and I vigorously peed myself. I mean, the chair was completely soaked by the end of the first act. The only reason I returned so late after the intermission was so as to draw as little attention as possible to my pursuit of a new, drier seat, which I later confidently flooded with urine.

This Bob is special in its sentiment but also in the sense of life it was able to distill. Going into next year The Bob will lose several imperative cast members: Alex Leeming, Sumeeta Farrukh, Fateema Miller, Blaire Golledge, Serena Chapin, Sabrina Oudine, and Matholimeue Brooks. Unfortunately, these cast members won’t be returning due to their disappearance on a Delta Airlines flight over Hawaii. Fortunately, I’ve heard they’ve also been picked up by JJ Abrams for the cast of LOST: Next Generation.

However, this is not a moment of sadness; this is a moment of growth, of beginning, and also of a missing fuselage and tampered black boxes and smoke monsters and hatches and Desmond and Kate we gotta go back. ANYHOW these moments of life fade and like a wise Gil once said, “Unlike TV, the theatre is forever.” Though we may wince now, there is still hope as new talent begins to emerge just beyond the horizon. Young stars will rise, old ones will age, and the family of The Bob as I know it will only continue to blossom.

The Bob is life, and I love The Bob.