12 Orientation themes more out-of-this-world than “Planet Vic”

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Which is your favourite? 

Don’t get me wrong, Planet Vic is a stellar theme. Truly one of the greats in Vic Orientation history. But with every year and every new orientation theme come literally dozens of missed opportunities. Here is just one dozen of them: 

  1. Call Me by Your Vic, or, Gay in Vicaly  
  2. Keeping Up With the Vicdashians
  3. Anti-Vic Vic Club
  4. Anti-Trin Vic Club
  5. Fuck Jordan Peterson  
  6. Vucci (like Gucci but Vic) 
  7. Bust a Vic!
  8. Chicken VicNuggets, or, I’m Lovin’ Vic 
  9. It’s Vic-ney,Bitch!
  10. Victoria’s Secret
  11. Vikini Bottom 
  12. Big Vic Energy

Oh well, there’s always next year!

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