What your favourite fanfic pairing says about you

Spirk (Spock and Kirk): No one is doing it like you are. You stand on the shoulders of giants: Desilu Studios and the 60s housewives who kept Star Trek on the air. You love a workplace romance, and wouldn’t mind lying to HR to date a superior, but you have a hard time articulating those emotions into anything other than an admirable work ethic. 

Ask Out: A Wolfstar (Sirius Black and Remus Lupin) fan. 

First Date: Pointing out constellations at The Ontario Science Centre Planetarium. 

Johnlock (Sherlock and Watson): You’re a SuperWhoLock survivor who still thinks it’s kind of funny to replace Benedict Cumberbatch’s name with any two words starting with B and C. You think you give pretty good dating advice, despite the fact that you were a gifted kid who didn’t date in highschool and still haven’t figured out how to get past the talking stage. 

Ask Out: A Stucky (Steve and Bucky) fan.

First Date: People watching, making up lurid backstories based on innocuous details. 

Reylo (Rey and Kylo Ren): You have a type, and it’s big pouty dudes who could throw you across a room and/or short women who can kick your ass. You believe in the inherent romanticism of light vs. dark aesthetics, and you thought the crossguard lightsaber was pretty cool, actually. You love tension in your relationships. You live for the “3-am-can’t-sleep” because you’re thinking about them. You don’t know if you want them to text you, or if you’ll throw your phone across the room if they do. 

Ask Out: Someone who is really invested in MGK/Megan Fox.

First Date: Sitting on opposite ends of a really long dining table, staring at your date with the intention to either throw your knife or yourself at them. 

Grinch/Tony the Tiger: Very original. Cursed, but original. It indicates a creative spirit and questionable ethics of attraction to anthropomorphic characters. Or, a chronically online personality bordering on need for intervention.

Ask Out: Someone whose first crush was Disney’s Robin Hood (the fox)

First Date: Assign each other fursonas, then sit for a couples portrait commissioned from a furry artist.

Destiel (Dean and Castiel): Hey, at least it’s canon? (In Spanish.) You are a loyal-to-the-end type, even when it seems there is no end in sight. You have a sense of faith and devotion to your beliefs that monks and nuns everywhere would envy. You have seriously considered crowdfunding to buy the CW Network. 

Ask Out: A Merthur (Merlin and Arthur) fan.

First Date: Wander around the AGO. You totally like Renaissance art in a cool, intellectual way. Not because they draw Lucifer and the Angels… like that.

Anne Shirley/Diana Barry: You had a crush on your best friend growing up, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You believe in love through thick and thin, and that some people are simply meant to be in each other’s lives, even if that doesn’t mean romance.

Ask Out: That childhood best friend of yours, go get ‘em.

First Date: Sentimentality is key, your favourite ice cream shop or a park picnic.