VUSAC votes to make elections The Big Bang Theory themed

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This fall will mark the first Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council (VUSAC) elections held with the new rule that all elections must be themed around the hit CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory (or TBBT as it’s known to super-fans). As three of the student government’s eight councillor positions are reserved for first-year students, VUSAC President (and diehard Sheldon and Amy shipper) Jayde Jones felt that elections needed a theme that would help attract younger students to run and vote.

While candidates are given a certain amount of freedom to interpret the theme, some rules include:

  1. Candidates must conclude answers to all questions in the elections Facebook group with “Bazinga!”
  2. All posters are to include a minimum of one and a maximum of four characters from the show in order to be considered valid.
  3. TBBT creator Chuck Lorre must be tagged in all social media posts relating to elections or candidates risk disqualification.
  4. In an effort to increase voter turnout, students will be given a second vote if they come to the polls in a Big Bang Theory-related costume.

4a. Star Trek costumes do NOT count as Big Bang Theory costumes. Don’t even try. 

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Additionally, a source has informed The Strand that this election’s Town Hall question period will be hosted by an individual with connections to The Big Bang Theory. “Let’s just say that this person has definitely met Jim Parsons at least once,” says the source. The source would not disclose if student funds were used to hire this person who probably only played a bit part on the show, but it seemed to be heavily implied.

Election nominations are open until September 14; nomination packages can be found in the VUSAC office, the Dean’s Office, and at Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the CRO, Molly, at [email protected] with any questions. Bazinga!


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