Top napping spots at UofT!

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Illustration | Melissa Avalos

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Pick your favourite and get snoozin

A nice nap is the key to keeping your mind sharp and fresh for the rest of the day. For students who live off-residence or have a tightly packed schedule, finding places to get some shut-eye can be tricky. I’ve taken the time to share some of the best napping spots on campus for you! 

The pipes beneath University College

Not many people are aware of this sweet snoozing location, but it’s actually been used by students in the know since the 50s. More likely than not, your parents met here. 

President Robins’ office  

It’s no secret: adults need naps, too! If you catch President Robins in his office at the right time, he’ll definitely let you take a nap on his desk—a quirky tradition started by his predecessor Paul Gooch. What nice guys! 

The Peace Garden, Victoria College

Nobody knows how the Lester B. Pearson Garden for Peace and Understanding got its name, but I bet it’s because of all the peace and quiet you can get from this cool pond! Surrounded on all four sides by Pratt Library, it’s truly a hidden gem—although I can’t guarantee the hidden part once this article’s been published!  ;) 

Lindsay Lohan’s tomb, Convocation Hall

Lindsay Lohan was the most famous person to ever set foot inside Convocation Hall, and as a result, the University stepped up and erected a tomb in her honour. If you’re ever feeling cranky during a lecture, this is a nice, discreet place to catch up on some Zs!

That discount textbook store run by that nice family  

Any student who’s looking to save a buck knows to hit up “that” store right across from the UofT Bookstore. It also turns out that this place’s ”Napping” section is way bigger than the Bookstore’s.  Way to kill the napping game AND the textbook game! Yang family: 2, University of Toronto: 0! 


Yup. Apparently this spot is as good as any. 
