“The TTC is the best transit system in Toronto” – Michelle Obama

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At first, people were skeptical of the Jackson 5 when they invented music. Everyone was like, “My eardrums are pulsating at a frequency that is pleasurable and I don’t know what to do,” and Michael Jackson was like, “if you don’t like it, Beat It.” The same is true with the TTC.   

The Toronto Transit Commission is extremely reliable, in the sense that it is always unreliable. Many passengers of the 2017 Best Transit System in North America will be quick to point out how the system seems to be run by mice on the tracks. This is wrong. First of all, it is run by German-engineered super rats—and you KNOW that! Secondly, they need to be on the tracks at all times in order to monitor traffic because obviously they don’t know how to use computers. They are rats, people!!  

In fact, the only transit system better than the TTC is the Skånetrafiken in southern Sweden. The buses all have smörgås (sandwiches but Swedish) counters with a tiny little meatball station. Every train includes a shower, but no toilet; to quote the old Swedish adverb, “always clean before emptying.” Some trains even have an IKEA inside of them, while some IKEAs are actually trains. If you have any doubts about this just ask my grandparents who live there, Dag and Karen.

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