Photo of Poilievre

Pierre Poilievre YouTube channel linked to misogynistic tag

Poilievre YouTube revelations come at a time of increased awareness of online misogyny
Photo of Iran protest

Reactions at UofT to Iran protests

University students and faculty respond in solidarity to protests in Iran
Photo of Dr. McEwen talking to community members

An interview with Vic President Dr. Rhonda McEwen

Dr. McEwen began her term as President and Vice-Chancellor of Victoria University on July 1, 2022. She spoke with The Strand about her plans for her term as President, and her take on important issues at Vic. The Strand: What are some of your main goals for the next five ...
Photo of Ukrainian flag on flagpole

Russia declares partial mobilization against Ukraine: an update

Why Putin wants Ukraine
Photo of Toronto's City Hall

What you need to know about the Toronto municipal election

New challengers contest mayor’s seat as Mayor Tory seeks third consecutive term
Campaign photo of Jessica Bell

A conversation with MPP Jessica Bell

Campaign highlights, goals, and the future
Photo of UofT campus

Events to check out around campus this Fall

Get out of your dorm room and recover from assignments with something fun!
Illustration of struggling student buying groceries

Ontario minimum wage increasing to $15.50 on October 1 amidst growing inflation

Reflections on how the minimum wage increase is set to impact student quality of life
Photo of UofT building

Quarter of work-study positions go unfilled

Confusion surrounding employer expectations is a contributing factor
Photo of front of Sexual Violence & Support Centre office

UofT’s 2022 review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

What does it mean for students and staff?