Lulu Karra on running for Equity Commissioner
Strand Editors
March 12, 2020
What position are you running for, and what are the responsibilities of this position? My mandate as an equity commissioner is to represent students’ equity-based concerns at the college, advise the council and student organizations on inclusivity and accessibility, coordinate equity training to council and executives of clubs and levies, ...
New requirement changes for Computer Science POSt
Eric McGarry
February 11, 2020
Facing growing backlash, the Computer Science Department has decided to revise acceptance criteria for first-year students
The future of the University-Mandated Leave of Absence Policy
Ellen Grace
February 11, 2020
What does the Presidential & Provostial Task Force on Student Mental Health final report mean for UMLAP?
Hate Health and Wellness wait times? There’s an app for that
Maia Roberts
January 28, 2020
UofT rolls out MySSP for all students Content warning: mentions of suicide. When it comes to mental health support, the University of Toronto doesn’t exactly have the best track record. However, after three deaths by suicide on the St. George campus in the last two years alone, students are finally saying enough is enough, and demanding that the university do better. In 2019, UofT responded with a ...
Highlights from VUSAC’s first meeting of the semester
Khadija Alam
January 28, 2020
The Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council (VUSAC) held a jam-packed meeting on Friday, January 17 to kick off the winter semester. As it was their first meeting of the semester, the agenda comprised of a wide range of action items, discussion items, and reports. Here are a few highlights: Women of the ...
What’s going on around UofT next month?
Eden Prosser
January 28, 2020
Don’t miss out on these great events around campus in February! We’re almost officially one-twelfth of the way through 2020: the snow’s (still) falling, the new decade memes are finally starting to fade away, and midterm season is right around the corner. Luckily, there’s no shortage of fun happenings on and around the St. George campus! So buckle up ...
The breakdown: microtransactions at UofT
Ann Marie Elpa
January 28, 2020
A paywall for grades or a digitized learning service? It’s an all-too-familiar scene for some: enrolling in a half-year course and looking at the syllabus only to realize the course requires a mandatory subscription to a third-party learning service, constituting 25 percent of the grade. These mandatory third-party services, also known as “microtransactions,” are a common ...
Traffic-related incidents increase in Toronto, despite new city mandates
Rebecca Gao
January 14, 2020
City policies criticized for inability to affect change
Provincial government to appeal court ruling against Student Choice Initiative
Ann Marie Elpa
January 14, 2020
Appeal comes after SCI struck down in Divisional Court