Illustration from point of view of student looking at meal tray with food and meal ticket

Unravelled: Ticket to dine

Burwash Dining Hall’s new system triggers eating disorder concerns
Photo of mask, passport, and travel documentation on table

Trapped at the border: flying in a vaccine-inequitable world

International students discuss returning to Canada after two years of COVID-19

VUSAC candidate: Rebecca Muscant

Rebecca Muscant is running for VUSAC Councillor.

VUSAC candidate: Bright Anthony

Bright Anthony is running for VUSAC Councillor.

VUSAC candidate: Shane Joy

Shane Joy is running for VUSAC Councillor.
Photo of Elsa Jia

VUSAC candidate: Elsa Jia

Elsa Jia is running for VUSAC Councillor.

VUSAC candidate: Tiffany Seo

Tiffany Seo is running for VUSAC Councillor.

VUSAC candidate: David Zhang

David Zhang is running for VUSAC Councillor.

VUSAC candidate: Jack Liu

Jack Liu is running for VUSAC Councillor.

VUSAC candidate: Dixshant Shreemal

Dixshant Shreemal is running for VUSAC Councillor.