How to stop reading wikiHow articles about “How to Get Your Crush to Ask You Out”

What wikiHow won’t tell you…

1. Read articles on the same subject matter from other websites. 

I love using wikiHow to fix my love life. It seems to promise concrete results, giving you step-by-step actions on how to achieve your goal. They even have tips at the bottom to remind you that you’re worthy of love and if your crush doesn’t like you, you’ll find someone someday who does. This positive mindset leaves you wanting to return to wikiHow again and again. They will NOT let you wallow in self-pity, so if you want to do this, I’d recommend looking elsewhere.  Feel free to read articles from something called “Panda Gossips” (no pandas involved [Symbol]) like “Ten Sneaky  Ways to Get Your Crush to Ask You Out”, which is filled with reminders of heteronormativity and enforced gender roles. You know this is, like, bad, and you hate that we live in a world where articles like this exist, but at 3 am, wearing red to school tomorrow because it’s the ““colour of seduction”” seems like a good idea. On second thought, maybe you just shouldn’t read any of these. 

2. Read the wikHow article “How to Eat a Bowl of Cereal”.  

This is probably the best article on wikiHow. It tells you how to eat cereal, step-by-step. It has handy tips that you might not have considered, like how you can “Feel free to get creative and use coffee mugs, Tupperware, or other containers to eat your cereal. Don’t feel confined to the bowl.” God, I wish I didn’t feel confined to the bowl.  

3. Ask your crush out yourself. 

Hahahahha, hahahhahaha, I’m just kidding. This is the comedy section, so I had to put a little joke in there.  

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