How to Find Your Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Psychological needs: They’ll serve food out on the quad! So, grab a paper plate, sit in the grass awkwardly, and try to make a new friend! Also, I don’t care what anyone says, Burwash has some quality food items. The pizza is 10/10 and there’s fresh fruit all the time so you can pretend that the three cookies you just ate are all part of a ~balanced diet~. Besides, there were raisins in that last one anyways so you basically ate a salad.  

There’s an aroma espresso and Starbucks at Bay and Charles Street which is sick for studying and wasting your money in a fun way that sneaks up on ya. Would recommend for working and snacking. 

P.S. Rabbas is open 24 hours go crazy bitches, get some groceries for your mini fridges.  

Safety needs: Your dorm is the only place where the endless chanting can’t reach you. But you have to leave it eventually. Because it’s time. Time for you to embrace this feeling—this urge for release and change and growth. Time to do what you have to do. What I’m saying is, the bathroom is outside your room and down the hall to your left.  

Belongingness and love needs: It’s hard to feel like you belong in a new place but hey, a few weeks into uni, you’ll suddenly find that that one girl from your frosh group and those people you met in Burwash are becoming your friends. Belonging comes with time. Just try not to immediately add every single person you meet on Instagram. It’ll clog up your feed.  

In terms of intimate relationships, I know the question on your mind is: should I go to that greasy frat party? Here’s a brief but honest list of pros and cons.  

Pro: Make a funny memory with the new friend who goes with you. 

Cons: Literally everything else my god those houses are a literal ball of sweat… even the walls are wet. Run, save yoursel— 

Pro: Frat parties are somewhere that you can get booze during Vic’s dry frosh week. (Which is what should actually be illegal if you ask me). 

Esteem needs: You made it into a great school and you’re making your way through the tough beginning of it all! Go you! Plus, you look great in that frosh week t-shirt. Self-esteem = boosted.  

Self-actualization: Congrats, you didn’t just sit in the bottom of the shower and cry for all of frosh week! You put yourself out there and met some new peeps! You did it. I mean, sure, there was that one shower crying session but that was just some healthy, good old-fashioned catharsis. In sum, you’re doing great sweetie.