Gourd of the month

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After a long-awaited and highly-anticipated reveal, we at The Strand are proud to announce that the gourd of the month for November 2018 is…the kabocha. This may be our most controversial pick yet. While it may look like a diseased pumpkin, this Japanese squash is in fact a wrinkly, toad-skinned treasure chest, because it contains a sweet orange centre that is a staple ingredient in Japanese vegetable tempura and soup.

In Japanese, “kabocha” can refer to this squash, the Western pumpkin, or literally any other squash. Therefore, in order to reduce confusion over this month’s coveted winner, we at The Strand are officially renaming the kabocha squash the “Japanese Shrek Pumpkin.” Get out of my soup! 

Keep up to date with The Strand’s social media as we release clues for next month’s gourd. 


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