Food for thought
Tara Costello
March 17, 2020
It’s a Sunday in November, and my mom is visiting. I just had one of those weeks where it feels like you’re running from one thing to the next while trying to catch up in every class. Needless to say, I had not gotten a lot of sleep. I did, ...
Date The Strand
Strand Editors
February 11, 2020
The Strand is lonely this Valentine’s Day and we want you. Some of us are employees at this godforsaken newspaper just to get a date. If you too are missing out on love this February 14, then check out our cute, sexy, and thrilling masthead below.We are now accepting applications ...
Not my representation
Hadiyyah Kuma
January 28, 2020
Performative allyship often goes deeper than the surface. So-called allies often label themselves as such but engage in behaviour that supports white supremacy and benefits their own status in the social/racial hierarchy. But cultural appropriation is a surface level kind of racism that can contribute and align itself with the same kind of performative allyship we criticize. It ...
On exodus and eternity
Veronika Zabelle Nayir
November 26, 2019
Leonard Cohen is back from the dead Hearing Leonard Cohen’s voice—solemn, steady, divine—is like hearing a voice you have always heard, one that you have always known, one that lives in perpetuity. It is this steadfastness that makes his music all the more jarring; it is a reminder that he ...
Nervous? Me too
Alisha Rao
October 5, 2019
Conquering Orientation Week despite social anxiety For many, going to university or college is a dramatic transition, one they feel unprepared for so strongly that previous transitions can’t compare. I found the college system at UofT confusing, and despite my online scouring, I couldn’t really find anything that told me how exactly it worked.. It’s the kind of thing that makes a lot ...