If you’ve ever been in love before—forget it! For The Strand is here once again to completely shake up your romantic life. The Features team asked the masthead to bare their souls, answer the hard questions, and play the fickle game of love. Many refused, but here are the responses we did get. Name: Abi Akinlade Position at The Strand: Opinions Editor One word to describe my love life is… Rollercoaster If you (blank), I will immediately reject you Diss astrology My most chaotic date/date idea is... Robbing a bank together (I have actually pitched this to someone lmfao) The good ending of my storyline would be... Riding off into the sunset (moving into a 2 bedroom loft in Manhattan) — Name: Shelley Yao Position at The Strand: Court Jester One word to describe my love life is... Labyrinthian If you (blank), I will immediately reject you Have an average daily screen time greater than 1 hour on TikTok The main thing I'm looking for in a partner is... Their cat My most chaotic date/date idea is... Infiltrating a furniture trade show at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre — Name Rion Levy Position at The Strand: Mascot Manager The bad ending of my storyline would be... Inside a volcano An ick I get is… When you look better in knit sweaters than my cat would (if she had any) My most chaotic date/date idea is... Have you heard of Hanlan’s Point? If you (blank), I will fall in love with you Write for The Strand — Name Janus Kwong Position at The Strand: Production Manager One word to describe my love life is... Simp One thing I can't live without is... Regrettably, TikTok A song that describes my love life is... “Let You Break My Heart Again,” by Laufey lol My red flag is... I WILL hyperfixate on my partner — Name Janna Abbas Position at The Strand: Co-Girlboss-in-Chief The good ending of my storyline would be... Acting on my delusions paying off :) The bad ending of my storyline would be... Acting on my delusions not paying off :( My red flag is... Don't have one—nooo babe, don't take off those rose-colored glasses, you're so sexy ahah Don't give me flowers or chocolate, I want (blank)! tear-streaked love letters confessing your undying and all-consuming love for me — Name Roensa Salija Position at The Strand: Senior Copy Editor One word to describe my love life is... A series of delusions If you (blank), I will fall in love with you Ignore me and leave me on read Don't give me flowers or chocolate, I want (blank)! Access to your streaming subscription services A song that describes my love life is... “You Belong With Me” by Taylor Swift — Name Faith Wershba Position at The Strand: Stranded Editor (blank) is my way of saying I love you! Wawawewa! My red flag is… The Canadian flag. My green flag is... The Brazilian flag. On a Friday night, you can find me... You can't. I'm hiding. —- Name Sarah Abernethy Position at The Strand: TikTok Philosophizer Don't give me flowers or chocolate, I want (blank)! Speak for yourself Features team, I want flowers. The bad ending of my storyline would be... I write a play about your life. On a Friday night, you can find me... Out dancing! Or throwing a party with a hyper-specific theme. One word to describe my love life is... Baffling. — Name Kieran Guimond Position at The Strand: Science Editor A song that describes my love life is... “I / Me / Myself” - Will Wood An ick I get is... When men are taller than me My ideal meet-cute would be... You're a customer at Caffiends, I'm behind the counter, I make you the best latte of your life and you fall in love with me My most chaotic date/date idea is... Breaking into Ramsay Wright at night and looking at brains together

Date The Strand

Our guide to yearning your way through Valentine’s day
Logo of The Strand

The end of Stephenson House

Unaffordable housing at Vic
Illustration of Vic College building with oil patch in background

Vic’s sp(oil)ed reputation

On Vic’s investments, student testimonies, and The Strand’s stance
Collage of album covers of various music groups

140 BPM (Broke Pained Men)

House music and economic recession
Illustration of witch in the woods

In dialogue with witches

Conjuring up answers to your burning questions
Illustration of strawberries growing as a plant

What’s that word?

A deep dive into languages, family, connection, and curiosity
Illustration of person standing on heap of garbage

Food waste and inaccessibility at the Chelsea Residence

How the Chelsea Hotel failed to provide healthy and sustainable food
Promotional photo of the Bleachers group

On age, authenticity, and orientation

How I began fully living my life
Artistic depiction of person handwriting a letter with unreadable text

The opposite of loneliness

Readings and reflections from four years
Illustration of cowgirl sitting on horse with the words In conversation with... former horse girls in the background

In conversation with Horse Girls

A stranger’s guide to the ranch