Janna and Rion sit at a desk, struggling to come up with ideas

[Insert title here]

Nooo we’re not gonna forget to come up with a title, we’ll just do it once we’re not drowning in assignments and deadlines…
Dating profile of Lucila the cat who is employed at The Strand

The feline persuasion

Everyone’s on dating apps, even The Strand’s Vol.65 mascot
Rion and Janna meditate. Rion's cat joins them.

Our year of (un)wellness and chaos

Relaxation? We hardly know her
Rion and Janna blast off to space.

Blasting into 2023

On the globe’s, Vic’s, and The Strand’s climates
An Illustration of Rion's cat Lucila.

Unthemed, unfazed, unbothered

Wrapping up the year with reflections and an announcement
A penguin sneaks up on two students.


Ghostface pays a visit to The Strand
Two people are sucked into a rabbit hole.

Curiouser and curiouser…

On falling down the rabbit hole and knowing when to climb back out
Comic-style illustration featuring student who looks anxious

An excess of opportunities

And a lack of motivation to pursue any of them
Illustration of three students in front of Victoria College building

New year, same (dis)orientation

On navigating the upcoming year and looking to the Vic community for guidance
Stills of Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana waving goodbye

Sweet niblets! Life is a rodeo!

Vol. 64, as told through Hannah Montana song titles