Being More Mindful of Meaning

If I’ve learned anything about words over the course of my time using them, it’s that you can and should always strive to improve your understanding of how others interpret them, and that developing a healthy reverence for their power is very helpful in this regard.

Diagnosing Misogyny as an Educator’s Duty

The school’s failure to diagnose the online commenter’s comments as what they are—misogyny and hate-based rhetoric—shows a failure to educate. If we want these kinds of comments to go away, and to take the necessary steps to make UofT into a safe space, our educators need to start seeing these ...

Getting the Most out of Frosh Week

Hopefully you’re feeling calm, collected, and excited to have a really awesome week. Even if you don’t have a really awesome week, that’s okay. Just relax, have as much fun as you can without injuring yourself, and make sure to get involved with as many things you’re passionate about as ...

Dear Frosh…

The only thing I can tell you with complete certainty is that the way you feel about Frosh Week will not in any way affect the overall success of your undergrad.