“Adorable” comedy show offers a fun, safe space for comedy at UofT
Holly McKenzie-Sutter
November 13, 2015
On November 20th, the Cat’s Eye will serve as a host location for the first installment of “Adorable,” a comedy show organized and hosted by UofT students and comics Kelly DeHoop, Lucas Loizou, and Celeste Yim According to DeHoop, “Adorable” will ideally become a monthly comedy night on campus, intended ...
To Be or Not to Be? Hart House production of Hamlet was both
Shamaila Anjum
November 10, 2015
Taking on Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a daunting task for any director or actor, with its iconic speeches, its multiple theatrical interpretations, and its largely passive titular character. Any production of Hamlet is expected to interpret text in a new way while staying faithful to the original. Hart House’s 2015 offering ...
Review: You’re the Worst Season Two
Holly McKenzie-Sutter
October 20, 2015
FX’s You’re the Worst is a half-hour romantic comedy series that rises above the tropes it presents and confuses you with how likable it is. The characters should be some of the most unwatchable people imaginable. The romantic leads are Jimmy, a British ex-pat author with a superiority complex, and ...
Digital Media Art+Cade and Indigenous Gaming Panel- imagineNATIVE Film Festival
Katie Elder
October 20, 2015
A video created by the Canada Media Fund playing in the corner of the Digital Media Art+Cade lists statistics that help to spell out one clear message: Canadians are connected. On average, each Canadian spends 76 hours online every month. We as a country, Canada has a digital economy consisting ...
When The Twist Is Not The Twist: Mr. Robot and Narcos
Neil MacIsaac
October 20, 2015
It’s becoming increasingly hard to keep a secret in TV. Game of Thrones and other serial dramas have bred fans that comb through any casting and shooting information for clues about what the next season will bring. Only recently has Thrones been able to catch up to its adaptation source ...
Drunk Feminist Films tells all with a glass of wine
Clarrie Feinstein
October 20, 2015
Drunk Feminist Films is a feminist collective that puts on monthly film screenings at Revue Cinema. The collective uses humour as a means to examine the limited portrayal of women in Hollywood. So far, DFF has shown movies like Bridesmaids, Clueless, Mean Girls, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High, to ...
Nuit Blanche Retrospective: Art vs. Audience
Elena Senechal-Becker
October 20, 2015
Nuit Blanche was launched in 2006, and since then, the multi-media art event runs annually for one night from dusk ‘til dawn. It showcases the best and brightest artists from Toronto and around the world in street installations—and it’s free! Since its inception, “Nuit,” as it has come to be ...
Behind the Curtains with VCDS
Amy Kalbun
October 20, 2015
When the new school year began in September 2015, classes were not the only new activity on campus. It was also the start of the Victoria College Drama Society’s new theatre season. Established in 1918, the Victoria College Drama Society (VCDS) is Victoria College’s oldest student-run theatre group. Each VCDS ...
VCDS The Physicists Review
Shamaila Anjum
October 20, 2015
Written in 1961 by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, The Physicists is set in a wing of a heavily endowed asylum. In this wing are three patients who believe themselves to be physicists: Albert Einstein (James Hyett), Isaac Newton (Mertol Özaltan), and Möbius (Jacob Nathaniel Levitt). The play follows the aftermath of a nurse’s ...
50 First Dates: A Stroll in High Park
Angela Sun
October 20, 2015
For: Wilderness Explorers Neighbourhood: High Park Cost: $15/ person (Mostly for food) I decided to plan another outdoorsy date for this week to get in as much fresh air as I can before everything gets buried under snow. Hopefully most Torontonians have visited High Park (1873 Bloor St. W) at ...