Photos of various art installations across Toronto

The broke creative’s guide to living well

How to live large while spending little as a student
Illustration of cowboy boots next to other shoes

I wear cowboy boots constantly — and the world hates me for it

You call it bizarre and concerning. I call it authenticity.
Collage of book covers and stills from movie Black Beauty

The unknown long-term effects of consuming harrowing horse girl narratives as a child

They said Black Beauty was a kids movie
Artistic depiction of cowgirl listening to music with headphones under cowboy hat

Yeehaw xo baby

A playlist review
Illustration of legs of person in fishnet stockings holding cowboy hat and microphone like a whip

Every country song you’ve ever heard

With the hip hop twist we all deserve
Still frame from How to Fix Radios, with character with bright-coloured hair looking at bird on hand

How to Fix Radios, a year later

An interview with director Casper Leonard
Illustration of two people holding each other, with one holding a poster featuring Lana Del Rey

The illusion of individuality

On abolishing the rampant culture of gatekeeping
Artistic depiction of student walking past art display that says "I'm going back to 505"

Going back to 505

A liminal space for Arctic Monkeys
Illustration of Strand staff celebrating Valentine's Day

The Strand cordially invites you to bite us!

Our team’s hot takes on love

Church and Wellesley’s inclusive appearance: fact or fiction?

The lack of intersectionality in Toronto’s queer community