Help! I’m starting frosh week and everything I know I learned from TV

Channing Tatum, where are you?

If the movies I watched throughout high school taught me anything, at least I went into orientation week prepared for car chase sequences, musical numbers in the bathroom at Annesley Hall, and having my long-term boyfriend break up with me in favour of my academic rival. Maybe, I thought, I would even be thrown together with a group of misfits who I might not get along with at first in order to win a high profile court case for a fitness empire queen, or an international acapella championship, or The Scare Games later in the year. That’s how every student starts their university experience, right? Well… not exactly, but maybe when it comes to frosh, the truth isn’t as far from fiction as you might think. Movies like 22 Jump Street, Pitch Perfect, Legally Blonde, and Monsters University might have some larger than life plot points, but the relationships at the centre of these films are fundamental to the O-week experience. 

One thing I never expected when I arrived in the Victoria College quad was how many people I was about to meet! Admittedly, none of them wanted to sing “Titanium” with me in the shower, but there was a lot of practising Vic cheers at the top of our lungs! Every student who checks-in for frosh at Victoria College has a completely unique set of experiences and interests, so it’s completely possible that you’ll meet some of your lifelong pals while being thrown together for a chance to win the iconic Vic Scavenger Hunt. Also, if singing The Sign by Ace of Base in front of a bunch of strangers isn’t your thing, go to the karaoke event anyways, because you never know who’s waiting to make a new best friend. One thing that college movies get right is that the more involved you are, the more chances you have to bond with all your lovely classmates, and maybe even learn some new hobbies that you never knew existed. There are certainly some out-of-the-box clubs and levies you can discover at the clubs fairs happening across campus this week.

Of course, all of these movies feature antagonists ranging from horrible roommates, to academic and extracurricular rivals, to distanced friends, to ex-boyfriends’ new fiancées, and international drug cartels. Unfortunately, no matter where you are, it’s a part of life that you won’t gel with everybody, and that’s okay! However, starting a new school is a period of adjustment and change. It’s a lot of fun but it can also be stressful. Remember to keep an open mind and be kind to everybody you meet. 

Often, movies like 22 Jump Street depict students drifting away from their friends because they find themselves in incompatible groups. This might be one of the most unrealistic things about university life. It is absolutely okay to make lots of friends, and those friends do not have to be friends with each other. You’ll likely find yourself in multiple groups and that is another fundamental experience you’ll encounter during your orientation period at Vic and beyond. I’ve been that person vibing with some more outgoing friends at a frat party like Jenko, but I’ve also been to small gatherings where we drink wine and talk about Homer like Schmidt. Real people are multidimensional and don’t fit into boxes or tropes. As you plunge into this new environment, feel free to take the time to learn who you are and explore all of your interests and opportunities. So many of the experiences and connections you make on this campus will last beyond your years at UofT and into the real world. 

That being said, while it might seem much less exciting than a romcom or an action movie, take the initiative to choose the genre of your orientation week and live it out to the fullest! And hey, if you’re still looking for the buzz of a car chase sequence, sit on the lower floor of the Northrop building often enough and you might see one or two being filmed around the Queen’s Park circuit.