Hello! I assume you opened this article because you fit into one or more of these categories:
- Are studying human anatomy.
- Are not terrified that there’s bones inside you.
- Are not horrified by the concept of organs.
If you’re studying anatomy and don’t fit into the last two, good on you, you’re probably the bravest person in the entire world.
Okay so, first off, I have a silly little disease called Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome. It’s silly because all my joints just go wooooo all the time. Basically, I spend a lot of time in medical settings, but still remain willfully ignorant to how anything in the body works other than joints, and even that’s iffy. I just know mine are fucked up.
I don’t feel like I have organs. Like, I know I do, but I don’t ever think about it and if you remind me, I’ll plug my ears and say, “I can’t hear you hahhaha.” I just cannot comprehend how your organs are inside you your whole life (or, even worse, ARE YOU), but you never really have a relationship with them. Basically, I’m saying like if you took my kidneys and put it in one of those police line ups with five other people’s kidneys, I wouldn’t be able to choose which one is mine, which is pretty fucked up since it’s inside you forever, unless you get a kidney transplant. I should have picked a different organ for this analogy, but that would require me to think longer about which organs exist, and I refuse to do that.
So, I have the most issues with my neck, and have had lots of x-rays etc. before. But until the other day, I never looked at how the neck joints are actually supposed to move, so I watched this horrifying video of a skinless organ bone man, and boy was I confused. Honestly, I thought the neck joints went kind of like this:

But it looks like this???????

I guess I should have figured that out using logic and reason, but I’m not Aristotle and I will not be tricked into reading something called “The Organon”.
Here is my interpretation of skinless organ bone man, since I don’t want to get sued by sickos (people who made the skinless organ bone man videos).

Basically, I have some questions I’d like you to answer for me.
- When you’re showing me how the neck works, why do I have to see all this other business (other business = skinless organ bone man)?
- Would you like to hear my opinion or guess on how x organ works, how big it is, or where it’s located in the body? (My friends find this entertaining)
- Why?
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
*Yes, I did get an A in school biology, but I did it by separating it from reality using my brain (only good organ).
Are democrats born stupid or is it a matter of being fed shit all of their lives ?