Air Pee ’n’ Pee

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It’s like Air B’n’B for peeing!

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Dearest A. M. DiAvolo,  

Thank you for your email! We at Poober are delighted to share this bowel movement of innovation with early flushers like yourself. We wouldn’t be pooping without people like you! I’m also delighted that your 21-year-long defecation vacation has finally come to a relieving end. I can’t imagine the toll that must have had on your body! But you’d be surprised to know how many other people are just like you: doing all-fibre, no-water diets because they have nowhere to pee! But hold your urine no longer! You can finally let go of that urethra and let that satisfying sensation rain all over the floor, because due to your feedback, we’re proud to announce Poober’s companion app: Air Pee ’n’ Pee!  

What is Air Pee ’n’ Pee, you ask? Well it’s a lot like the conveniently placed trash can in the infinite queue for the bathroom during a Beastie Boys concert. It’s similar to Air B’n’B, except instead of finding you a place to sleep, we find you a place to pee. But do we just find toilets? Not anymore! Following the success of our competitor app “U Can Literally P Anywhere When No1 Is Looking™,” Air Pee ’n’ Pee is now proud to offer up bushes, walls, idle delivery workers, and crowded TTC stations for your urinary needs.  

Want to support Air Pee ’n’ Pee? Here’s how: 

  • Find the link to our GoFundMe on The Strand’s website, 
  • Watch our original series streaming on Amazon called Urination Street
  • Use our hashtag #hydrationnationurinationstation. For every retweet, you get to pee once for free 

Happy wizzing, 

Air Pee ’n’ Pee Co-Founder, Ivanta Motoiletz 


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