A hot girl’s guide to packing for uni

A very serious and well-thought-out list of items to keep and ditch when packing for UofT

Now that August is here, it means summer is practically over, and we should already be running to our first class of the semester, Starbucks cup in hand and anxiety sweat on brow!

Just kidding. Before any of that, we need to pack our suitcases as we prepare to leave home and finally experience freedom (*cue the inspirational movie soundtrack that plays as the main character, who has never seen the inside of a classroom before, heads off to a highly academically rigorous university*). Oftentimes, it can be daunting to decide what to pack into your suitcase and what to leave at home. Should you take the lightsaber you bought at Disneyland when you were little? What about your rotting baby blanket, which carries sentimental value? (Hint: yes to both.) Fret not, for this article is just. for. you. Prepare to take notes, because my advice is sourced from great experience and wisdom. 

What to keep:

The heaviest self-help books, which your dad insists you read, that you can fit in your suitcase.

  • Being illiterate is so, like, 1863. While it’s true that those books have only collected dust over the last couple of years, who knows! Amid exam stress, lab work, and essays, you will definitely want to take some time to read How to Be a Bawse. I promise.

A really, really fancy dress your mom bought you for a wedding four years ago.

  • Some people find true love on campus—who’s to say that’s not going to be you? You need to always be ready to be asked out or, better yet, proposed to. Attending a lecture? Full tux. Lab time? Satin maxi dress. You can never be too prepared. 

Your pets

  • What better emotional support than a pet! UofT is stressful enough as it is, and your dog will definitely love to waste away in your dorm room for eight months <3.

What to ditch:

Winter jacket and boots

  • Honestly, if you can’t brave the cold, harsh, brutal Canadian weather au naturel, what are you doing coming to UofT in the first place? Jeez. 

Headphones or earbuds, whichever your preference is

  • I’ve always believed that music is meant to be shared with the whole world, so if you’re listening to Steve Lacy via headphones, you’re a selfish gatekeeper. That’s shameful. 

Photos of your family and friends

  • If your memory of them can’t serve you well enough, it shows that you don’t love them enough in the first place. Could not be me. My dorm wall is saved for chem notes and chem notes only.

Your laptop

  • Our grandparents are seriously right about the dangers of technology—if they were able to go through university without laptops, why should we do it any differently? Consider it building character. Plus, you’ll get to really live out the dark academia aesthetic, looking through physical encyclopedias and ancient scripts and all that.

I hope this guide was helpful to you, and I’m very open to inquiries about my advice. Don’t be afraid to message me if you’re experiencing confusion—just note that you will be judged.

Happy Orientation!