VUSAC candidate: Shane Joy

1. Why are you running for councillor?

I am running for councillor because when I finish my undergraduate studies, I want to be able to look back and say I managed to bring about positive change in my community. Although the councillor position is entry-level, I still believe that a lot can be done with this opportunity. I want to ensure that every action I take is going to be for the benefit of all Vic students.

2. What sets you apart from other candidates?

I think what sets me apart from the other candidates (although I’m sure they are all great) is my experience with organizations at UofT. I have a good grasp of some of the initiatives that were active last year with the Mental Wellness Commission, for example. As one of the general members, I got to attend the meetings and contribute to initiatives such as the Words of Vic-couragement, the Mental Health Resource Review, and the Sharing and Caring Initiative. I believe my experience with the Mental Wellness Commission sets me up perfectly to continue helping out this year. I also have experience with various mentorship programs at UofT (one with the HSA [History Students’ Association] and one with Victoria College), and they have greatly improved my conversational and listening skills, both of which will come in very handy if I am elected as councillor, as Vic students require a councillor that is both receptive and willing to act on their suggestions.

3–4. What commissions would you like to work on and why? Do you have any personal ideas or projects that you would like to take up as a part of the VUSAC Council?

As councillor, I would like to work with the Mental Wellness, Equity, and Commuter commissions. I want to work with the Mental Wellness Commission because I had my fair share of low points during the COVID-19 pandemic, and sometimes felt as if I had nobody to talk to and no resources to help me deal with my issues. I think an important issue with the Mental Wellness Commission is that many Vic students are not aware of it, and do not know that there are people working on it that are willing to help them with their needs. For example, I was speaking to another Vic student on campus who is from North Carolina, which is very far away, and he was not aware that VUSAC even existed, meaning he didn’t know about the Mental Wellness Commission and all it has to offer either. As councillor, I want to promote the Mental Wellness Commission and let it be known to new and returning students alike that there are people as well as resources available at VUSAC for any supports they may need. I hope to do this by updating the Mental Health Resource Review and putting it on all Vic social media for students to see. I want to work with the Equity commission because I wish to make this place a more cohesive community. One way I think we might make Victoria College a more welcoming place and stronger community by recognizing and teaching students about the holidays and celebrations of all cultures and religions. This is also a time during which we’ve seen an uptick in gender-based violence at university campuses in Ontario, as I’m sure we’ve all heard and seen on the news. As councillor, I wish to organize events and talks at which speakers may educate students on these realities, and what we may do as a community and individually to address them. I especially hope to work with Vic students here, as there is always room for improvement in this area. Finally, I wish to work with the Commuter Commission because being a commuter myself, I understand the inconvenience of having to take public transit or drive downtown just to get stuck in traffic for a while. I hope to ensure that while commuters are at Victoria College, we are making that commute time feel worth it to them. For example, might achieve this by doing a better job of informing commuters of the events going on at Vic and UofT more generally, as well as the opportunities available to commuters, whether they be volunteering or simply getting involved in a club or organization at UofT. I have many more ideas like these and hope to help work on the ideas and initiatives that others have in mind as well.

5. What will you do if you do not win?

If I do not win this election, I will simply try again next time, and meanwhile try to get involved elsewhere. Last year, for example, I lost the election by two votes, but I was not disheartened. Since that was my first time doing something like this, I was proud of my efforts and the result, but I definitely was not satisfied. I still really wanted to get involved, and I ended up doing that by joining some other clubs and organizations. However, Victoria College is where my heart lies, and that is why I am back this year. I hope to succeed this time and continue to build off of that, but if I do not, I still hope to make a positive impact, but it will have to be in other ways.

6. Give your personal review of the Northrop Frye McDonald’s.

Is the Northrop Frye Mcdonald’s even real? I looked on Reddit to learn more, and there are both affirmers and deniers of its existence, so I don’t know what to think of this mythical place.