VUSAC candidate: Alyssa Nurse

1. Why are you running for this position?

The reason I’m running for this position is that I’ve always wanted to be more involved in Victoria College campus life. When I reflect on my time thus far at university I always go back to when I first started and how far I’ve come since then. It was the International Student Orientation (ISO) that took place prior to the Vication 2019 frosh week. Initiatives like that showed me how interested and dedicated Victoria College is to all of its students regardless of where they’re from. I left that experience with two things; feeling much more comfortable and acquainted with the College and I also met one of my most valued friends. This position gives me an opportunity to be actively involved in international student life at Vic and give back to a community that embraced me on arrival.

2. What sets you apart from other candidates?

In my opinion, I bring new perspectives and ideas, especially since this is my first time running for any major position at Victoria College. I am extremely passionate about my platform and the initiatives that I wish to execute. I think that it’s important that positions like this are inclusive and incorporate BIPOC leadership, which allow marginalized groups to be heard and represented.

3. Please summarize the main points of your platform.

The personal and professional development aspect of my platform seeks to promote navigating UofT and beyond as an international student. With events that are tailored to both new students as well as those who are on their way of transitioning out. Whereas, the social and cultural wellbeing aspects of my platform seeks to foster a stronger sense of community while promoting diversity and inclusivity amongst international students at Victoria College. It is through these platform points I hope to increase the overall engagement of international students.

4. Do you have any personal ideas or projects that you would like to take up as a part of the VUSAC Council?

Yes, of course I do. Within the social and cultural well-being aspect of my platform; an event that I would love to execute would be an international cocktail/mocktail night. This initiative would promote cultural exchange, and promote a stronger sense of community amongst international students as they have the opportunity to prepare and share a popular beverage of choice from their respective countries.
Within the personal and professional development aspect of my platform, I am interested in collaborating with the Centre for International Experience (CIE). I want to host an event dedicated to enlightening and raising awareness of all of the resources that are available to international students. This includes UHIP [University Health Insurance Plan] stipulations, employment regulations as well as the process of immigrating to Canada after UofT. This event is geared towards first- and second-year students who are most likely in Canada for the first time. Another event under this platform theme would be hosting an event tailored more towards upper year Victoria College students. As their time at UofT comes to an end, next step decisions need to be made, which is why I want to host an International Student Alumni Event. This event will give international students advice, perspectives and experiences of alumni who have:

a. Moved to Canada after their studies and completed the process of permanent residency and even citizenship.
b. Returned to their home countries with all of the knowledge and experiences gained while attending UofT.
c. Pursued graduate school outside of Canada, or are working abroad. In my opinion this event will be extremely insightful in assisting international students at Vic with making these life-changing decisions.

5. What will you do if you do not win?

Even if I don’t win I still want to be involved in Victoria College campus life. Realistically, I would take my efforts and energy in the direction of the Victoria International Students’ Association (VISA) as well as The Victoria Black Student Network (BLVCK) and see how best I can be more involved and of service. Additionally, there are other clubs which are of sentimental importance to me that I will also continue to be involved with like the Caribbean Studies Student Union (CARSSU) as well as the Black Students’ Association (BSA).

6. Give your personal review of the Northrop Frye McDonald’s.

Definitely an if-you-know-you-know type of spot. They easily have some of the best Sprite ever. The wi-fi is amazing, plus it’s never super busy unlike the McDonald’s at Queen and Spadina. The food was good and the staff was so nice, 10/10 would recommend.