It has been far too long that we have been living a lie—the Earth is, and will remain, FLAT.
Yes, the reports are wrong. Yes, the images are all photoshopped.
Yes, the Earth is indeed flat, like a pancake.
Since time immemorial, people who have believed in the Earth being a flat disc, not a ‘geoid,’ have been ridiculed and called ‘lunatics’ for their assumptions. But it is time we acknowledge that the Earth is indeed flat. Researchers from the University of Malta have collected information over the span of 50 years, which proves that the Earth is flat—their research was underfunded and was skeptically received, but they did it anyway—collecting data from all around the world, ultimately ending right where they started. While such ground-breaking, earth-shattering research was going on, everything had to be kept under wraps, as they were worried that people would not understand and treat this extremely important discovery as a scam.
According to Zetetic Astronomy—the belief system of Samuel Rowbotham, famously known as the founder of the what would become the Flat Earth Society in the 1800s—the Earth is actually a flat disc, centred at the North Pole and bound on the sides by large walls of ice and glaciers, with other celestial bodies only a few thousand miles away. This branch of astronomy has its roots in a translation of the Bible where the Earth was created as “the Firmament,” or a flat surface covered by a dome. Even though our religious cosmology talks about the nature of flat Earth, we are too blind to believe it.
Some people say that it is possible to notice the curvature of Earth from certain places on Earth, which is a clear indication of how blind people can be in their assumptions and their ‘evidence.’ Clearly, this so-called curvature of the Earth is a mirage, or a visual deception—when we truly want something to be true, our mind plays tricks on us (not me though). In this process, we fail to see what is right there in front of us. If the Earth was truly “round,” how come we can see buildings standing straight?? How come we are able to walk in a straight line without veering to the ‘centre?’ Oh, well, thank you for bringing up gravity—tell me this: why is a magnet, an object whose purpose is to attract other metallic objects, and the clue to our tangible understanding of gravity, not round? Important figures such as the rapper B. o. B., too, believe that the Earth is truly flat. This is not a conspiracy, this is blatant denial of a hard-to-swallow pill—reality.
Why is it that we are so afraid of admitting the truth? What is so wrong with the Earth being flat, especially when it is the answer to most of our burning questions? Does this have to do with the fact that the human brain looks for curvature in everything they desire—their foods and produce, their bodies, and now even their planet?! It is perhaps due to this ignorance of ours that Earth’s tourism from other planets has decreased drastically—even our fellow Martian friends have said, “It is because of you Earthlings’ stupidity that we do not want to visit you anymore. And technology has only made you stupider. Shame.”
The rise of Photoshop has brainwashed people across the planet—the images from space (for the amount of littering that occurs, the ‘Earth’ sure looks clean from up there), the pictures of ships on ‘horizons’ (that’s the edge of the Earth, people—an actual, straight edge), and pictures of Everest (which is just the tall edge of our glacial walls). But now, people are starting to realise the truth, and are gaining the courage to accept it. For those who are daring enough to see and experience the truth, the Flat Earth Society opens its arms far and wide to you, accepting people from all around the globe.