Was Brendan Fraser famous?

People are hungry for Brendan Fraser! We all want a Brend-burger with a side of French Frase!

Can you spot all five differences?

Games section featuring Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Did someone say studying abroad?

I studied abroad in Europe

Molly told me I couldn’t run this

What happens next might shock you


In response to recent criticisms of Victoria University's sustainability policies and practices, President Robins announced earlier today that the renovation of Northrop Frye Hall will use crumpled up, unread copies of The Strand instead of asbestos insulation

What Once Spun, Now Spins No More

A Fidget Spinner In Memoriam

Rare Lost Film Discovered

The biggest news in cinema since Murnau’s skull was stolen

Rebecca’s Supreme Hierarchy of Needs

Need me a hypebeast

We need to talk about the coffee in the VUSAC office

The inside scoop on coffee scoops and poops

Coming Soon to Vic Merch: Northrop Frye-Shaped Vape

VUSAC’s new Vic merchandise line will expand this summer to include Vic snapbacks, Vic joggers, too-small Vic beanies, and a gold-plated Vic vape in the shape and likeness of our blessed Northrop Frye’s head