Science: How many sea turtles has the balloon guy killed?
Concerned Citizen #69
April 8, 2021
For legal reasons this is a joke
If I were to write a fanfic about The Strand, here’s what I would write
_strand_luvr_69 on Wattpad
April 8, 2021
Yeah, I can’t believe I’m going to be EIC of this paper either
How I Broke the Glass Ceiling by Getting Gout
Julia Rapai
April 8, 2021
Walk a mile in a feminist’s shoes and your feet will hurt. Especially if that feminist is me. (I have gout in my big toe.) Close your eyes and imagine gout for me. Okay, open them, since you need open eyes to keep reading.. What did you imagine? Did you ...
Dreams I’ve had that are apt cultural criticism that you can use for your mediocre short story
Ellen Grace
March 17, 2021
listen I WISH I made these up
Stop saying you can put ‘everything’ on a bagel—you can’t
James Hannay
March 17, 2021
“Everything” is a lie
I’m convinced that this Instagram dog looks like me
Elizabeth Shaw
March 17, 2021
Or do I look like him?
Victoria valentines that you can print out and mail to your friends, lovers, and enemies
Strupid (Stranded Cupid)
February 16, 2021
And hopefully they’ll get there by the end of March
Adult woman overinvested in song about a seventeen-year-old Disney Channel star getting her driver’s license
Elizabeth Shaw
February 2, 2021
I got my driver's license last week…