Illustration of clashing swords

Fight and the City

Throughout Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw ponders what makes the ideal lover. But what makes any lover the ideal fighter?
Illustration of crying Canadian astronaut sitting down with boxes around her on fire

How to survive the apocalypse

According to the young adult books I read when I was 12
Photo of man happily looking at cell phone

Dear TikTok remix audio creators…

it is becoming increasingly difficult to watch a tiktok in the comfort of my family home
Person wears facial mask of cream while checking phone

A guide to online socialization

@hairypoppins would like to send you a message. *open dms* hairypoppins HI OMG LET’S BE FRIENDS Me HI OMG SURE … who are you again? It’s an adrenaline rush like no other to receive a text message from someone who’s read your introduction post on the uoft.25 Instagram page (HUGE ...
Student lying back on the ground with textbook resting on face

Fun and funky ways to battle Zoom fatigue

Because we could all use the help
Photograph of masked attendees directing speech toward the front of the room

How to ask questions that will impress your professors

On the first day of classes, some students may be distracted by thoughts like, “I hope I do well in this class,” or, “I hope I make friends.” But, in every class, there is always one student who dares to dream a little bigger. In every class, there is a ...
Illustration of student shocked at lenghty to-do list

How to REALLY prepare for university

According to an English major

Who will be your frosh week crush?

Take the quiz!
Stressed student studying a laptop

My favourite study spots last year at UofT

After the crazy year we’ve had, it feels intimidating to find a public space where you can simultaneously study and breathe without violating the law and/or giving yourself anxiety. I want to help first-years out by giving them some unique places to stress over coursework! Here are my favourite study ...

Arts and Culture: Cringe Alert! This contestant on The Voice missed his entrance BIG TIME

We couldn’t stop LOLing at the crazy moment from NBC’s The Voice