Transgenerational imprints: The legacy of trauma and stress

The ghosts of your past trauma might be the methylation patterns on your DNA (amongst other things)

Did the COVID-19 lockdowns warp our memories?

Did time feel different during the COVID-19 lockdowns? Can you remember? Although the lockdowns that resulted from the global pandemic may have felt neverending as we trekked through our ‘new normal,’ it seems now that it swept past us in a confusing, jumbled-up blur. In order to determine what has ...
Strand logo with alternate colour scheme

Scientists @ Vic: Maximus Caron

The Strand: What year are you and what are your majors? Maximus Caron: I’m in fourth year and my majors are forest conservation and human geography, and then I have a minor in political science. What is your research? I was working with the City of Mississauga as an invasive ...

Creepy things in nature

Don’t end up on a crow’s bad side
Strand logo with alternate colour scheme

Scientists @ Vic: Naomi

The Strand: What year are you and what are your majors? Naomi: I’m going into third year, and my major is psychology. What is your research? There’s something that’s been studied for a long time with a probe tone method that’s pretty well known—people widely agree on certain sounds to ...

Misinformation in the golden age of innovation

Louis Pasteur rolls in his grave every time someone mentions raw milk
Strand logo with alternate colour scheme

Scientists @ Vic: Silas Peters

This year I am introducing a new segment to the Science section, where I will be interviewing a student who has done science research at UofT. This gives them a chance to share their work and show other students the types of research that exist at the university. If you ...

In it for the long haul

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic hit at a pivotal moment in our lives. Whether this was high school graduation, entering or finishing university, or in the middle of our academic careers, we all felt the impacts as restrictions tightened and Facetime calls became the norm instead of face-to-face ...
Graph showing different stages of relationships including friendly and romantic, with a situationship represented as a question mark

Romantic situationship

“It’s just vibes”
A black-and-white digital drawing of the earth as a disc, rotating rapidly on an axis to create a spherical shape

Truth unboxed: the Earth is flat!

A highly investigative take on Flat Earth, and a recognition of the truths of Flat Earthers from around the globe