Pitch List – Palestine

Hello! Thank you for being interested in writing for The Strand! We are taking pitches for our October issue centred on Palestine. Feel free to review the pitches from each of our sections, and claim any you’re interested in by emailing the attached section editor. Our pitch list is meant to be guiding and generative, not prohibitive, if you have an idea not listed, feel free to reach out to the section editor, or email [email protected] with any questions.

With this issue, we aim to centre Palestine in its fight for liberation and the expressions of solidarity within our community. Our intention is to provide our platform to Palestinian students freely and with full autonomy, without censorship, caveats, or exploitation. In encouragement of this goal, we will be providing an honorarium of $50 per article to all Palestinian contributors. We recognize that an honorarium does not stand equal to the level of labour, experience, and breadth of knowledge we are seeking, however we are committed to acknowledging Palestinian efforts to the best of our organization’s capabilities. We also understand one’s personal, familial, and community safety may be at risk, thus we will readily publish anonymously.

Pitches are open to any and all students, of any level of experience, confidence, and access (or lack thereof). The Masthead and Section Editors will readily and enthusiastically help contributors in reaching out for interviews, guiding their article structure, finding resources, and solving any other relevant issue!

We are also seeking a cover artist for this issue. An honorarium of $100 will be provided.

When emailing a section editor to claim a pitch make sure to include:

  • HED (the main title)
  • DEK (the subtitle)
  • Description (let them know what you want to write / the angle you will take with the article)
  • Visual Request (what photo or illustration you would like attached to the article)
  • Word Count (how many words you plan to write)

Send your pitches in by Wednesday, September 11!

  1. Summer Activism Recap
    A recap of Palestinian activism and student solidarity with Palestine over the summer months.
  2. Reactions to Palestinian Solidarity On Campus
    Reporting on reactions to revitalised student activism as the new school year begins. Also noting any students facing aggression for wearing Palestinian symbols to class / on campus.
  3. Student Government and Solidarity
    Interview with VUSAC regarding their goals for the year in relation to calls for Palestinian solidarity.

Claim a pitch or send your own to Karim at [email protected]

  1. A One-Year Retrospective
    A reflection on one year of escalating genocide in Gaza, increased assaults against Palestinians in the West Bank and the whole of Occupied Palestine, further harm and marginalization to the Palestinian diaspora, and the reactions since.
  2. Solidarity with the Palestinian Struggle and Impacts of Western Colonialism Around the World
    • An Indigenous perspective on the connection between Indigenous genocide, erasure, and occupation, and Palestinian genocide, erasure, and occupation. (Indigenous students will also receive an honorarium).
    • Irish reactions and alignment with Palestine as a result of a mutual history of British occupation and Western imperialism.
  3. The Investment Question
    The role of universities in profiting and increasing revenue from investments in arms and weapons industries, specifically complicit in Palestinian genocide.

Claim a pitch or send your own to Romina at [email protected]

  1. Cultural Creation and Preservation
    How has Palestinian culture (cuisine, industry, symbols, places and their names) been co-opted and appropriated? What aspects of Palestinian culture should be spotlighted and celebrated as Palestinian? How is it being preserved? How does history and power of narrative affect and erase Palestinian culture? How do Palestinians create culture amidst a genocide in Gaza, apartheid in Israel and the West Bank, a diaspora of Palestinians across the Middle East and the world?
  2. Palestinian Art, Symbolism and Creating in Crisis
    How have artists used art as a form of expression and resistance, as a method of documentation, as a means to communicate?
    Describing the history and use of different symbols of Palestinian culture and resistance, a non-exhaustive list includes:
    • Jaffa oranges, olives and olive trees, Palestinian poppies, Gaza strawberries
    • The keffiyeh, watermelon, a red triangle, the right of return key
    • The Al-Aqsa mosque, Handala, Tatreez
  3. The Role of Media and Language in Shaping Narrative and Establishing Truth
    How has mainstream and/or social media affected how people around the world view the “conflict” or “war” or “crisis” in Palestine/Israel/Israel-Palestine/Gaza/the West Bank/Occupied Palestine/the Middle East? What is the impact of specific language choices?
  4. Mobilising On and Off Screen
    Cultural criticism regarding the broken telephone effect on boycotts, and its subsequent online discourse.

Claim a pitch or send your own to Alexa at [email protected]

  1. Palestinian Academia, Scholarship, and Research
    • An exploration of the historical and modern contributions of Palestinian scientists.
    • The activities and works of Palestinian campuses and universities and the effects of their subsequent destruction.
  2. The Role of Big Tech in Israeli Apartheid and Palestinian Occupation
    How do tech companies and technological progression fit into the conversation? What role do Palestinians have in the research and development of industries such as surveillance, data, AI, engineering?
  3. Preserving the Land for Its People
    An exploration of Palestinian ecology and environment and a breakdown of the Zionist myth of “making the desert bloom.”
  4. The Role of Science in the Horrors of War
    A scientific (biological, chemical, ecological, epidemiological etc.) perspective on the different forms of Israeli biological warfare.
    • The poisoning and/or depletion of water resources
    • The spread of disease during siege and occupation
    • The destruction of Palestinian food systems, or symbols of it, such as the olive tree 
  5. War, the Military-Industrial Complex, and the Climate Crisis
    The carbon impact of war and the military-industrial complex, and how war relates to the climate crisis.

Claim a pitch or send your own to Silas at [email protected]

  1. Any works about your lived experience as a Palestinian person.
  2. Contemplations on complicity within colonialism.
    An example includes Juliana Spahr’s The Transformation, which touches on processes of identity formation and complicity as settlers in a colonial system. Rewrite, repeat, and try to be indefinite.
  3. Any expression of solidarity with Palestinians.
    Try something like Di Prima’s Revolutionary Letters. This type of thing is significantly easier. Express yourself in crystallized, hyperpolitical statements, and, remember: “you can have what you ask for, ask for // everything(.)”
  4. Violence expressed through rhyme, meter, metaphor, the poetic media.
    Try something like Djanikian’s Armenian Pastoral, 1915. This type of thing is exceptionally difficult to write tastefully. Be careful with the extent to which you can ‘represent’ unthinkable violence.

Claim a pitch or send your own to Patrick at [email protected]

Stranded (Humour)
  1. Breakfast on the Quad
    Illustrate why UofT was correct in prioritizing the true and life-changing experience of having breakfast at King’s College Circle.
  2. UofT’s Message to the Community
    Parody the UofT admin emails regarding the People’s Circle for Palestine.
  3. Reporting Without Details
    Parody the vague language used by major media outlets minimizing, distracting from, or downright avoiding the ongoing Palestinian genocide. The only place they belong is in the satire section.

Claim a pitch or send your own to Audrey at [email protected]