Strand logo with alternate colour scheme

Surveillance beyond order maintenance

How surveillance becomes a tool for reifying social hierarchies in Canada The phrase “Orwellian” is often used to describe far-off totalitarian states, or, something resembling the novel 1984 by George Orwell, a science fiction that tackles dystopian societies where one is constantly being watched. However, surveillance occurs in a myriad ...

Books, not bombs

How students can lead the fight to free Palestine, on behalf of UofT Student Strike for Palestine The Pro-Palestine movement at the University of Toronto is alive and well, but for meaningful change to be won, it must continue to grow. The movement we saw spread across the world this ...

Head-to-head with Palestine

A different view of convocation 2024 Convocation, 2024. Hot day. A million degrees. Hundreds packed into a single hall. Gowns touching the floor. Everyone was beautiful in their regalia, girls were adorned with glitter in their hair. Boys were stupidly charming. Parents were floating around with pride. And in the ...
Strand logo with alternate colour scheme

Less is more

Why moderate campaigning is crucial in creating meaningful change This summer we saw the biggest student mobilisation effort in a generation with the encampments in King’s College Circle and beyond. It was a testament to how invested students were that such a united protest came about, but now, a few ...

​​Renovations and restorations: preserving history at Vic

Balancing tradition with progress The Victoria College campus, with its ageless structures and historic landmarks, elicits a strong sense of nostalgia in all of its students, drawing them into a profound connection with the past while also instilling feelings of pride and optimism about the future. As these beloved spaces ...

​​Facing the Red Zone

Why the Dean’s Office must confront gender-based violence from day one Content warning: sexual assault and gender-based violence. Orientation is more than just a welcome to campus; it’s a pivotal period that shapes the student experience. Generally, orientation offers first year and incoming students an introduction to campus life, as ...

Modern versus classic: the education debate

Is the future of education found in new methods or rooted in the past? The debate between traditional and contemporary education methods highlights a clash between the reliability of time-tested practices and the innovation of modern approaches. Traditional education, with its disciplined focus on memorisation, has long provided students with ...

Modern men suck? Try these lovers from the past!

Let these historical hotties fan the flames of your heart <3

Boy dinner

Protein is life, pumpkin pie is love

Wokeness has gone too far

Loud man shares his questionable thoughts on gender equality