No Tail, No Reason
Genevieve Wakutz
March 29, 2016
Making a bee-line for the back of the pet store, I spotted the puppies sleeping in their newspaper-strewn areas, with litters separated by small glass walls. When I saw one particularly cute chocolate-brown ball of fur, I asked to hold him, and instantly fell in love with a puppy who ...
Lack of transparency in health-care system unacceptable
Anchal Sharma
March 29, 2016
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by The Fulcrum. Canadians are known around the world by our fiercely defended stereotypes—we’re just a bunch of hockey-loving, Tim Hortons-swigging, polar bear-riding, igloo-dwelling folk with a great health-care system. But we know better—none of those things are black and white. Our national ...
I Don’t Wanna Be a Princess
Kathleen Walsh
February 23, 2016
Editor’s Note: This article has also been published by its author on Medium When I was a little girl, I always thought to myself, “I never want to be a princess, because then I would have other people to solve my problems, and life would be so boring.” I’ve never liked the ...
It’ll Get Done… Eventually
Adina Samuels
February 23, 2016
We all know the feeling. Sitting down at the computer in front of a new Word document, waiting for 3,000 words to appear before the 9 AM deadline the next morning. Why do we students do this to ourselves? Each time we put off our work, we know the result ...
Lonely at the Top
Ahmed Hasan
February 23, 2016
[lead]Kanye’s PR Problems[/lead] With the drawn-out release of his seventh studio album, The Life of Pablo, Kanye West is once again making headlines with alarming frequency. For the vast majority of us, not much recap is required. We’re at the point where every oddball tweet of his is reported as ...
Let’s Talk About Let’s Talk
Emily Pollock
February 3, 2016
Last Wednesday was Bell Let’s Talk Day, a marketing campaign where Bell encouraged people to talk about mental health and promised they would donate five cents for each use of #BellLetsTalk on social media. If your Facebook feed was anything like mine, it was filled with post after post about ...
Five Common Fitness Myths Debunked
Stacey Taylor
February 3, 2016
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in The Brunswickan. It wouldn’t be a new year without resolutions. Many of us are determined to make positive changes in our lives, like prying ourselves off of the couch and becoming more physically active and fit. This is a good thing—but ...
When “healthy” really means “thin”
Rebecca Ostroff
February 3, 2016
[lead]Structuring a mindful diet[/lead] A few years ago, I started eating a gluten-free diet due to an allergy that manifested itself in my skin. I trusted health food stores and packaging thoughtlessly, and I never read ingredient lists once I saw the trusted “gluten-free” label because I wanted a “quick ...
Don’t tell me to chill out
Rhianna Jackson-Kelso
January 19, 2016
[lead]An argument against chill culture [/lead] For as long as I can remember, I’ve been hearing some variation of the phrase “chill out” from my peers. In elementary school I was no stranger to the term “spaz,” and while my first encounters with it struck me as cruel and unfair, I ...
Why Toronto commuters are hurrying
Jocelyn Mui
January 19, 2016
January is the cruelest month. Gone are the days when we could go to sleep at four in the morning without worrying about being late for school, and wake up in the afternoon carelessly for “brunch.” Gone are the nights when we could gorge ourselves with food and delicacies without ...