The art of walking

A step at a time towards appreciating nature

The “enthusiastic yes”

Ontario’s battle for consent education

Virginity and shame

Sexually active women? Sluts. Virgin men? Losers.

Love, love, love

Unwinding a word

Going viral

Contagious coverage in the era of social media

Exams and equity

Photo | Phillipe Bout on Unsplash

The upward loop

 Looking at family histories It’s a source of pride to me that I can bake a batch of ginger molasses cookies, put them all in the oven, and have the mess cleaned up in about an hour. This recipe, clipped from The Globe and Mail years ago, makes the best cookies. They are always moist and ...

The death of the polymath

Why we need to know a little about a lot “I fear we are witnessing the ‘death of expertise’,” writes Tom Nichols in a 2014 article. “A Google-fueled, Wikipedia-based, blog-sodden collapse of any division between professionals and laymen, students and teachers, knowers and wonderers—in other words, between those of any achievement in an ...

Netflix, sleeping in… and contemplation?

The importance of reflection during winter break

A tale of two cities

And neither one is "mine"