Ode to a shoe

Currently seeking a pair of size 10 Jeffrey Campbell loafers

The missing puzzle piece. Not a person, but a thing. A pair of shoes, a dream. Mine to behold, to admire, to obsess over… but never to own—unless someone has a pair they’d like to send me, thereby releasing me from my seemingly everlasting longing and misery. Yes, you read that right, my dream—one that I can’t seem to wake from—is to own a pair of the gorgeously unique and enchantingly melancholic Jeffrey Campbell Student-2 loafers.

Before you turn away, I implore you to keep on reading, for perhaps, if I can convince you of my yearning, my desire, my love for these shoes, then maybe, just maybe, the universe will hear the sound of my wails and deign to grant me my one true wish.

My desire for these loafers is so great, so all-consuming, that I almost wish I’d never come across them in the first place. I’ve been bewitched by their beauty, gripped by their magnetic power, and left to ponder the version of myself I’d be if only I’d been quick enough to chase my dream and grab it by its soles. I can hear you yelling at your screen: Janna, just buy the damn shoes and stop being so melodramatic!

First of all, don’t you think I would have gotten them if I’d had the chance?! From the moment I laid my eyes on them, I was absolutely and unequivocally in love. As I went to press “add to cart,” my mind already racing with images of outfits that would match the shoes, I realized, to my utmost dismay, that they had sold out of my size—which, by the way, is a size 10, just in case you have a pair and would like to send it to me. Yes, I know, it’s quite a tragic tale. It should be noted that Lorde’s Melodrama is one of my favourite albums so I guess I can’t help but have a flair for the dramatic.

Anyhow, back to my harrowing story.

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Like Dorothy’s ruby-red slippers, these loafers were to be my demise and salvation—though currently I’m still stuck in the demise part, but one can only hope (and religiously monitor the Jeffrey Campbell website for restock information) that salvation is sure to arrive eventually. The thing is, when I first noticed that they were out of my size, I saw that they still had the next half size down in stock, and for a while, I seriously considered buying one in this size and just suffering the pain for the aesthetic. Fear not though, because when I checked back the next day (literally only one day had passed), I found that they had sold out of every. Single. Size. Devastated as I was, I tried projecting my feelings onto this other cute (though not nearly as cute as these) pair of mint-green heels, which are very much reminiscent of Dakota Johnson’s iconic green kitchen, only to then discover that they had every single size in stock except for mine. Talk about the universe sending you a sign…

What I want to know is, why must I be tormented in this way? And since when is everyone a size 10?! I’ve been a size 10 for a good couple of years and I vividly remember walking into stores and finding out that they don’t even carry most of the shoes that I like in my size and now, somehow, this is the size that sells out the quickest?? Something is just not adding up. Now, all that’s left to do is hope and pray that they decide to do a restock.

In the meantime, I’ve resigned myself to daydreaming about what I would be like if I had these shoes. I know for a fact that the version of myself that owns a pair of these is so fierce and confident, so effortlessly cool; she’s simply a fashion icon. The me that owns these shoes is fearless and never overthinks the way she says “here” at the beginning of her Zoom classes for an ungodly amount of time. The other (read “better”) me can actually tell the class a fun fact about herself and does not nearly have a panic attack when she has to talk to people on the phone. She also most certainly does not respond with “you too” when the delivery person tells her to enjoy her meal (unlike current me, who has done this not once, not twice, but three times). The other me can restrain herself from asking someone what their zodiac sign is five minutes after meeting them and won’t blurt out “that’s something a Capricorn would say” when they tell her they don’t believe in astrology. Frankly, the version of myself  that has these shoes is superior to the me I am now in every single way. I can already hear you saying that this is just not true and that I don’t need a pair of shoes to transform myself in these ways, and to that I say:

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Look at them!! Look at these shoes and try to tell me I’m wrong. You can’t! They are beauty, they are grace, they are the pair of shoes that every other pair of shoes wishes they could be! And I must suffer the cruel fate of living my life without them, of wearing them only in my dreams.

My life will never know peace until I own a pair of these loafers, so if by some odd chance someone from Jeffrey Campbell is reading this, please send me a pair, thanks. (Did I write this in the hopes that the Jeffrey Campbell team might stumble across it, admire my passion, and decide to send me a pair? Of course not! Well… at least not entirely.) I am not giving up, however, as I have signed up to get notified if they do a restock and I will be prepared if or when they do! Until then, all I have to comfort me is my dwindling shred of hope, my dreams, and my ode to a shoe.