VUSAC Elections 2016: Hannah Brennen, Vice-President Student Organizations

I sat down with Hannah Brennen, candidate for the position of Vice-President, Student Organizations, to talk about the experience that she brings to the table, as well as her goals and aspirations for the role.   The Strand: Could you give us an overview of the VPSO’s role within VUSAC? ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: George Wilson, Vice-President External Candidate

We sat down with Vice-President, External candidate George Wilson to find out more about his experience and his plans for the position if elected.   First of all, what sort of experience and skills would you bring to the role of VPE?   The two main bodies of my experience have been ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Steve Warner, Vice-President External Candidate

  I sat down with Steve Warner, candidate for the position of Vice-Presidet, External to talk about his experience that he brings to the table, as well as his goals and aspirations for the role.   What sort of skills and experience do you bring to the table?    The ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Stuart Norton and Rahul Christoffersen, Co-Presidential Candidates

For some Victoria College students, not only does March mean final essays, exams, and assignments, it means election season. It’s a time where these students spend the majority of their time preparing for and executing a week-long election cycle where they attempt to convince fellow Victorians to elect them as ...

Incoming referendums, developing policies, and lack of preparation dominate the third and final Vic Caucus

Financial allocation, student space, and increasing levy fees formed the hot topics of the final Victoria University Student Caucus of the 2015-2016 school year, held on March 2nd. The Vic Caucus is a semi-annual public forum open to all Vic Students, held to engage in a discussion of issues pertaining ...

UTSU blocks student from Facebook page, violates grievance procedures

Grievance filed in December elicits no response from VP Equity Sania Khan A grievance filed against UTSU’s VP Equity Sania Khan in December has yet to elicit any response from Khan, in violation of UTSU’s own bylaws dictating that grievances must be responded to within two weeks of the filing. ...

Scholarships 101

With Reading Week now behind us, the 2015-16 academic year will soon come to a close. For many, the ending of one school year inevitably leads to the question of how to pay for the next one. As tuition prices continue to soar, and with the City of Toronto no ...

The Gardiner Gala revisited

  The Gardiner Gala is one of the chief traditions of Victoria College’s yearly Frost Week, which takes place every January. This year’s Gala was organised by VUSAC’s Arts and Culture and Scarlet and Gold Commissions, as well as the Dean’s Office and the Gardiner Museum. The Dean’s Office handled ...


Fake academic materials are produced for a wide variety of subjects ranging from introductory literature analysis to high-level technical disciplines. The commercial production of false work is an international industry with operations ranging in scale from local ads to multimillion-dollar production houses. So when a student decides to cheat on ...

Vic’s Newest Club Helps Students Navigate Difficult Scholarship Market

New this year to Victoria College, the Scholarship and Grant Writing Club aims to help students navigate the broad market for supplemental funding. Founder Spencer McMurray, a Peace, Conflict, and Justice Studies student from Victoria College, received official club recognition in November and has just recently begun operations, having held ...