Black Lives Matter Toronto Protest Still Going Strong

Activists and allies continue week-long protest in response to the decision not to charge the officer who killed Andrew Loku   Black Lives Matter protesters have been camped out in front of Toronto Police Headquarters since March 20, after being ejected from their earlier location at Nathan Phillips Square. The ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Results

Midnight on Friday marked the end of the appeals period for the VUSAC Spring elections. Here are the official results, courtesy of Chief Returning Office Saambavi Mano:   Presidents/Co-Presidents: Rahul Christoffersen and Stuart Norton – 312 votes or 66% Chris Knipe – 128 votes or 27% Spoiled – 32 votes or 7% ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Jemimah Raffe-Devine, Scarlet & Gold Commissioner Candidate

The Strand: What made you want to run for Scarlet and Gold Commissioner? Jemimah: I don’t feel that, as it stands, the events that the Scarlet and Gold Commission puts on reflect our whole community. When you think of Scarlet and Gold, you think of highball and pub nights. They’re ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Zahavah Kay, Scarlet & Gold Commissioner Candidate

The Strand: Tell me about your experience leading up to this position and why you want to run for it. Zahavah: I want to run for this position because I’m interested in getting more involved at Vic. I’ve been involved in certain capacities in the Victoria College Council, in residence ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Town Hall

Representation, equity and restructuring key components of candidate platforms

VUSAC Elections 2016: Jamil Fiorino-Habib, Sustainability Commissioner Candidate

I reached out to Jamil Fiorino-Habib, who is running unopposed for Sustainability Commissioner, to discuss his plans to make Vic a more sustainable space. Fiorino-Habib outlined his plans for student activism and practices for the upcoming year.   What are some of the current running projects that you plan to ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Olivia Klasios, Arts & Culture Commissioner Candidate

I sat down with Olivia Klasios, who is running unopposed for the position of Arts and Culture Commissioner, to talk about her previous experience within VUSAC and goals for making the Art and Culture commission more visible, new, and exciting.   The Strand: With having tons of experience with VUSAC ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Chris Knipe, Presidential Candidate

The Strand: The biggest question mark here is that you’ve never been involved in VUSAC before. Knipe: Yes, that’s correct. So why run for president? Well, I actually think me not being involved for VUSAC makes me an optimal candidate for president. I think in the past what we’ve seen is ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: William Cuddy, Vice-President Internal Candidate

  I sat down with Vice President, Internal candidate William Cuddy to talk about his experience and his plans for the position if elected.   The Strand: What sort of experience and skills do you bring to the table?   Will: Well, I’ve been on VUSAC for two years now. ...

VUSAC Elections 2016: Golda Greenspoon, Vice-President Internal Candidate

I sat down with Vice-President, Internal candidate Golda Greenspoon to discuss her experience, and what she intends to bring to the role of VPI on VUSAC in the next year.   The Strand: What sort of skills and experience do you bring to the table as VPI?    Golda: I ...