VUSAC elections 2017: Isaac Khouzam, Board of Regents candidate

Photo provided by Isaac Khouzam The Strand briefly spoke to Board of Regents candidate, Isaac Khouzam, before the VUSAC 2017 Townhall.   The Strand: Why do you want to run for this position?  Isaac Khouzam: [being commuter commissioner] was basically my first experience with student governance. I had a blast, ...

VUSAC elections 2017: Blánaid McNally, Arts and Culture candidate

Blánaid McNally, Arts and Culture Commissioner candidate, shared the things she would like included in her arts and culture portfolio—providing insight on past experiences of leadership and teamwork.    The Strand: What makes you a qualified candidate for Arts and Culture commissioner?  Blánaid McNally: I’ve participated in a lot of ...

UTSU slate’s poster dispute resolved through confessional letter

  On March 9, the CRO received two complaints related to candidate posters and campaigning in the Sanford Fleming building. The CRO had awarded 10 demerit points to Chris Dryden of the Demand Better slate for the alleged act of removing other slate’s posters along with a arms length party. ...

UTSU Elections 2017: We The Students

The Strand talked to the We The Students slate about an accessible and active UTSU for students.   The Strand: How will you make a more transparent UTSU? We The Students: The fact that many students and clubs feel underserved by UTSU, and even more are unfamiliar with what a ...

UTSU Elections 2017: Jayde Jones and Hamboluhle Moyo

The Strand sat down with the Demand Better slate’s candidates for both Vic Director positions to ask them about how they intend to improve Vic’s relationship with the UTSU, the platforms they’re running on, and why they chose to run.   The Strand: Tell me a little bit about the Demand ...

UTSU Elections 2017: Demand Better, Mathias Memmel

The Strand sat down with UTSU slate, Demand Better’s Presidential Candidate, Mathias Memmel, to discuss the current reality and future of the UTSU. The Strand: Last year you wrote an article for The Varsity questioning whether the UTSU was worth saving and now you’re running for president. Can you elaborate ...

UTSU Elections 2017: Reboot UofT 

  Branding them as the outsider slate, the Reboot UofT campaign aims to give the UTSU back to UofT students through an aggressive decentralization of power. They hope to bring lasting change to the UTSU, by giving power back to clubs, students, and the broader UofT community. The Strand sat ...

VUSAC revises constitution, removing co-presidency

During VUSAC’s meeting on January 20th, 2017, council discussed the rationale behind removing co-presidency and reinstating a single president. VUSAC co-president, Stuart Norton, explained that co-presidency was a reaction to the heavy workload. He stated that the solution to the problem should have been in reallocating the workload to the ...

Victoria College celebrates Black History Month

VUSAC Equity hosts events to honour black community members

Students make space for stranded refugees

Refugees left in limbo by recent ban find hospitality in Canada