VUSAC elections 2017: Town hall
Erin Calhoun
March 19, 2017
Photo | Hana Nikčević The VUSAC Town Hall focused primarily on issues of representation, equity, position of the VPSO and relations with the Deans Office and students. The twelve candidates for commissioner, judiciary, and Board of Regents positions attended the three hour session held in Alumni Hall of Old Vic, ...
VUSAC elections 2017: Zahavah Kay, Presidential candidate
Carol Eugene Park
March 19, 2017
Photo provided by Zahavah Kay The Strand sat down with Zahavah Kay to discuss her presidential platform, and her potential solutions to change VUSAC’s negative reputation. The Strand: Why do you feel you are qualified to run for VUSAC president? Zahavah Kay: I think that I’ve gained a lot ...
VUSAC elections 2017: Zoe Ritchie, Academic and Professional Development, Victoria University Senate candidate
Erin Calhoun
March 19, 2017
Photo provided by Zoe Ritchie The Strand sat down with Academic and Professional Development candidate, Zoe Ritchie, to discuss goals for the upcoming year, and how to improve the academic and professional health of Vic students through more visible opportunities. The Strand: Can you start off by telling us ...
VUSAC elections 2017: Stephanie Spagnuolo, Scarlet and Gold Commissioner candidate
Erin Calhoun
March 19, 2017
Photo provided by Stephanie Spagnuolo Scarlet and Gold Commissioner candidate, Stephanie Spagnuolo tells The Strand about her plans if elected, and future plans to maintain a successful Highball. The Strand: Can you tell us why you chose to run for this position? Stephanie Spagnuolo: I really like getting involved on ...
VUSAC elections 2017: Shailee Koranne, Equity Commission, Board of Regents candidate
Erin Calhoun
March 19, 2017
Photo provided by Shailee Koranne The Strand sat down with Equity Commission candidate, Shailee Koranne, after the VUSAC Townhall to discuss equity issues on campus. The Strand: Within your position on the strand and writings outside UofT, your experience as a woman of colour is of strong focus. This ...
VUSAC elections 2017: Isaac Khouzam, Board of Regents candidate
Erin Calhoun
March 19, 2017
Photo provided by Isaac Khouzam The Strand briefly spoke to Board of Regents candidate, Isaac Khouzam, before the VUSAC 2017 Townhall. The Strand: Why do you want to run for this position? Isaac Khouzam: [being commuter commissioner] was basically my first experience with student governance. I had a blast, ...
VUSAC elections 2017: Blánaid McNally, Arts and Culture candidate
Carol Eugene Park
March 19, 2017
Blánaid McNally, Arts and Culture Commissioner candidate, shared the things she would like included in her arts and culture portfolio—providing insight on past experiences of leadership and teamwork. The Strand: What makes you a qualified candidate for Arts and Culture commissioner? Blánaid McNally: I’ve participated in a lot of ...
UTSU slate’s poster dispute resolved through confessional letter
Erin Calhoun
March 16, 2017
On March 9, the CRO received two complaints related to candidate posters and campaigning in the Sanford Fleming building. The CRO had awarded 10 demerit points to Chris Dryden of the Demand Better slate for the alleged act of removing other slate’s posters along with a arms length party. ...
UTSU Elections 2017: We The Students
Erin Calhoun
March 14, 2017
The Strand talked to the We The Students slate about an accessible and active UTSU for students. The Strand: How will you make a more transparent UTSU? We The Students: The fact that many students and clubs feel underserved by UTSU, and even more are unfamiliar with what a ...
UTSU Elections 2017: Jayde Jones and Hamboluhle Moyo
Erik Preston
March 14, 2017
The Strand sat down with the Demand Better slate’s candidates for both Vic Director positions to ask them about how they intend to improve Vic’s relationship with the UTSU, the platforms they’re running on, and why they chose to run. The Strand: Tell me a little bit about the Demand ...