Getting involved with VUSAC

Photo | Hana Nikcevic Fall Elections are here VUSAC is hosting its fall elections in order to fill eight councillor positions, as well as the positions left outstanding from the spring election period: Sustainability Commissioner and Vice President Student Organizations (VPSO).   Councillor (8 positions available) Councillors assist with the planning and ...

Pro-Life display at UTSU’s Street Fest sparks counter-protest

  Photo | Hana Nikcevic On September 12th, a display by University of Toronto Students for Life on the outskirts of the UTSU’s Street Fest was met with an ad hoc gathering of counter-protesters. After being purportedly blocked from entering the boundaries of the Street Fest, the assembly of pro-life activists ...

StudentDwellTO Seeks to Solve Lack of Affordable Student Housing

U of T, Ryerson, York, and OCAD team up to explore solutions to student housing dilemma UofT, Ryerson, York, and OCAD are working collaboratively on “StudentDwellTO”: a research project scheduled to take place over the next two years, with the aim of investigating and generating solutions to the lack of ...

On- Campus Employment Opportunities

The University of Toronto boasts an extensive network of on- campus opportunities. Whether vying for experience in a particular field or just looking for some side money, there are many faculties, professors, and companies looking for new hires. A majority of on- campus jobs can be found on the Career ...

Opportunities for engagement: Organization of Latin American Students

The Latin American community at UofT

International tuition fees continue unregulated

Tuition fees for international students at UofT continue to increase this year, unimpeded, following a provincial trend that has been developing in years past.

Get to know your student government

An introduction to the Victoria University Student Administrative Council

Accessibility services at UofT

Navigating applications and finding the right services

VUSAC 2017-2018 Elections results

a summary of filled candidate positions and referendum questions

NMC-CESI Food Festival: A family gathering

On March 25th, 2017, the Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations—Cultural Exchange and Support Initiative, otherwise known as NMC-CESI, hosted the Syrian Food Festival in the Cat’s Eye. In the first half of the workshop, Rasha Elendari, NMC-CESI’s Co-Founder, paired UofT volunteers with Syrian newcomers, where the former and the latter practised English and Arabic. Later on in the event, people ate, sang, and danced together as a Syrian ...