VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Cynthia Wong, VP Internal Candidate

The Strand sat down with Cynthia Wong, candidate for Vice President Internal (VPI) in the 2018 VUSAC spring elections. Wong’s platform focuses on the idea of “wellness,” and promoting collaboration between commissions.    The Strand: Why are you running to be VPI?  Cynthia Wong: I know a lot of my friends ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Nickolas Shyshkin, Vice President Internal candidate

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”1_3″][et_pb_image _builder_version=”3.0.84″ src=”” show_in_lightbox=”off” url_new_window=”off” use_overlay=”off” always_center_on_mobile=”on” force_fullwidth=”off” show_bottom_space=”on” /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”2_3″][et_pb_text] The Strand: Why are you running for VPI?  Nickolas Shyshkin: This year, I had the pleasure of being on VUSAC as VPSO. That role was a very outward one, it was all about reaching out to clubs ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Thomas Siddall, Board of Regents Candidate

The Strand sat down with Thomas Siddall, Board of Regents Candidate in the 2018 VUSAC spring elections.    The Strand: Could you give me a brief overview of your platform?   Thomas Siddall: I’m trying to go for more transparency because most people don’t even know who the members of their Board of Regents are because ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Graham Allison, Board of Regents Candidate

Could you describe the role of the Board of Regents? Why is it important to the Vic community?  The Board of Regents is the highest ranking administrative body at Vic; it could be thought of as the board of directors in a company that makes the important administrative decisions. Board ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Alexa Breininger, VP External, Board of Regents Candidate

Before students take to the polls for VUSAC’s 2018 elections, The Strand spoke to Vice President External (VPE) and Board of Regents candidate, Alexa Breininger, to discuss her platform. If elected to the position, Breininger hopes to include more mental health resources within VUSAC’s mandate and to make the organization more equitable and accessible to ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Devon Wilton, VP External Candidate

The Strand sat down with Devon Wilton to discuss his candidacy for VUSAC’s Vice President External (VPE). Wilton has constructed his platform around a mandate of “equity, sustainability, accessibility.” We discussed his plan to strengthen the relationship between VUSAC and the Dean’s office, as well as some of the ways in ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Katie Marsland, Arts and Culture Commissioner Candidate

The Strand sat down with Katie Marsland, Arts and Culture Commissioner candidate, to discuss her platform and the direction she envisions for the commission over the next year. Marsland emphasized her desire for more collaborative events between the commission and other student groups, as well as arts programming geared towards supporting mental and physical ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Carleigh Campbell, Arts and Culture Candidate

The Strand: What made you want to integrate and expand upon incorporating indigenous and marginalized voices and experiences within arts and culture?   Carleigh Campbell: Sustainability and equity are the issues that outlast us. They’re not things that just matter during our time in university. They continue on, and they’re values we should hold for ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Aloysius Wong, VPSO Candidate

The Strand sat down with Aloysius Wong, candidate for Vice President of Student Organizations (VPSO) in the 2018 spring VUSAC elections. Can you briefly outline the responsibilities of the VPSO?   The Vice President of Student Organizations, or VPSO, is responsible for being VUSAC’s first point of contact for clubs and levies at Vic; whenever club or levy ...

VUSAC Spring Elections 2018: Zoe Ritchie, VPSO Candidate

The Strand sat down with Zoe Ritchie, candidate for Vice President of Student Organizations (VPSO) in the 2018 spring VUSAC elections. Ritchie’s platform focuses on support and advocacy, and the importance of open communication.    The Strand: What is the role of the VPSO, and what would your responsibilities be, if elected?  Zoe Ritchie: The VPSO ...